abdl diaper lover adult baby

This site contains adult material! Adults ONLY! Abdl adult baby diaper lover pictures, stories, chat and more!

Make A Splash

They cum in all sizes micro, mini, tiny small and then we get into the good sizes as when you stick that cock in my hot wet pussy I can actually feel it. If you have less than eight don’t bother with trying to fuck me all I will do is laugh in your face and surely you don’t want to be humiliated now do you hmmm or would you maybe take some string and tie that pencil dick out of the way or maybe put a ribbon on it to where the next one you try and fuck knows where to find it. Now there is always this option when its all tie up and against the inside of your leg bend you over and let one of my real men friends fuck you good and that way you will really know what its like to get fucked.

I so enjoy training a guy to be my lil bitch he makes such a good one too.love taking him putting a nice cold chain around his neck while he is bare naked.then forcing him to his knees to lick and suck my pussy and thats only if he is a good lil floor training bitch if he doesn’t do it right then I will take me heels and stomp them into his back until he wears the print of my heels but this bitch slave so enjoys his reward he gets to fluff my boyfriends every-time they come over sometimes he gets to lick us all clean and then go back to the floor when he is done.because he is not allowed to sleep or be on the bed or furniture at anytime are you in need of some bitch training does it make you feel all sexual and horny sometimes gets to be a bitch for real and take it just like the bitch he really is right up the sissy cunt.

I told you never to piss me off did i not shit ass told you if you ever did you would regret it for along time to come.But no you just couldn’t help yourself could you just had to go and do just what I had warned you not to do.Now look what is going to happen to you punished in a way you never thought I would force you to do. Well that just goes to show you that it's not good to piss me off. Now go get ready well at least take a shower and we will be on our way to what your going to do lol such a nice big surprise my darling is waiting for you.I could have kicked your balls and cock and made them swell up so big you couldn’t have used them for awhile or I could have tied you to the door or bed and had you raped but no this is going to be so much more fun at least for me because I will be watching thru a window.

I totally laughed when you came to me and said you needed some punishment because you had been so fucking bad.I ask you what you had done but no you just could not tell me the truth could you.Just had to fucking lie about it even though i knew what you had done I just wanted you tell me the truth but its not in you to do that is it. So now look at you with a vibrator up your ass and a tube coming out of that sissy cock and you all dressed up like the sissy fagot you are and i am going to show you off to everyone that wants to see just what you really are laughing.

He walks downstairs as I start to go to work just in his panties along because he knows not to come down in anything else.He knows the punishment he would receive if he disobeyed and it far exceeds him wearing his panties. He comes in and looks at me asking if he can have a cup of coffee I nod my head because he knows to pour one for me also. I sat down at the table and he sits the cup in front of me then I look up at him and ask if how was his night that I had set up. Laughing as I mention the night he had i noticed he red in the face and rubbing his ass. So it went well huh laughing I tell him I am very happy it did because tonight my little panty slut is going to be a night you will never forget not as long as you have a breathe in your body will you forget. With that note I get up and walk out the door leaving for work knowing my home would be spotlessly clean when I returned As you know my darling little panty sluts Doris is here for all of your panty and slutty needs give me a call lets play. I also love sexual and sensual playtime too

Let’s get this clear, I am a sweet abdl Daddy. You diaper lovers and adult babies make my day and I love how creative we can get when we’re playing together. Still a Daddy demands respect and if I think you’re out of line I won’t hesitate to spank your bare or diapered bottom. One sissy learned that lesson not very long ago. She was so cute and adorable but had quite the mouth on her. I stripped her down to her diaper and put her over Daddy’s knee. After her butt had gotten plenty red I took her to my bedroom so that the sissy could learn better uses for her mouth than backtalk. She apologized and worked very hard on daddy’s cock to please him. Seeing that thick adult diaper over her butt while she bobbed her head feverishly up and down on my cock was enough to make me fill her sissy mouth up with creamy gobs of cum. I think she knows now where daddy’s boundaries are. So now you have just worked up enough courage to defy daddy. I think you have bitten off a whole lot more than you can chew. I will swing you around and have you across my knee faster than you can bat those sweet innocent looking eyes. Then the spankings will have you howling not to mention those red little buns to show off. So if your feeling like baby needs to get rowdy daddy will be here to calm you down and put you back into place with some good old fashioned spankings.

Do you want to be Daddy’s special guy? His tender diapered adult baby? I’m just sitting here wishing that I had a dirty diaper boy to tend to. It doesn’t matter to me how much you’ve wet or messed your diaper I just want to get in there and clean you up. I want you lying in front of me with your legs spread waiting for me to unsnap your plastic pants and change that diaper. Would you like me doing that as I straddle over your face? My heavy balls resting right at your lips as I wipe you slowly down? I think that you definitely do want to be daddy’s special diapered guy.

Hi to all of the sissies and abdl, ab/dl, ab-dl, abies out there. This is Daddy’s special blog where I can get just downright nasty. Have you ever wondered what Daddy likes to do with the diapered sissies and naughty abies? Oh well plenty of things. When you go over my lap for a spanking I like to feel your peepee in your panties against my thigh. Then I like to put you on your knees in front of me so you can swallow down loads of cum. Of course I may just want to lay you on your back and pull your diaper to the side and plow into your ass and make you wiggle against my dick. Mmmm well this is the definitely the place to hear all about what I do with my adult baby phonesex callers. Also to find out how I like to play in real life too.

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