Naked young female covering her breast with hands
Check Out Mommy Janey’s New Video!
February 21, 2018
Mommy Tawny’s ABDL Video
March 4, 2018
Naked young female covering her breast with hands
Check Out Mommy Janey’s New Video!
February 21, 2018
Mommy Tawny’s ABDL Video
March 4, 2018
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Caring For My ABDL Babies

Sexy girl standing in a beautiful Pink dress with Panties

Caring For My ABDL Babies adult babies

I love my age regression baby’s. I love spending time with them and making them take off all their adult clothes and dressing them in all the pretty baby outfits I have. Ducky onesies with little holes in the bottom. With big puffy diapers that make noises and make them waddle when they walk. The diapers make their little bottoms poke out. It looks so round and  full in those little outfits it always makes me smile. I make my baby’s bottle of my breast milk and feed them till their tummy’s are nice and full. And then I put them over my shoulder and burp them so they don’t get gassy tummy’s. Then I change my Sissy baby’s diaper clean their bottom and make sure they have plenty of cream and powder so their bottoms don’t get red. After that it’s time for a nap and of course I sit in my wooden rocking chair and hold my little angel and rock my baby to sleep. Taking care of my adult baby is so much fun. If you want to hear more

