Joey Gets Some Abdl Hypnotism! (part 1)
November 2, 2023
Mike Gets Caught Being Naughty!! (Part 1)
November 17, 2023(first part) Brenda kept the list of the trigger words and phrases well-hidden so Joey wouldn’t ever find it. Every day, she looked at it, eager to put it to use, but before she could, there was a lot she had to prepare for. After all, taking care of a baby requires a lot of preparation. For the following few days, Brenda began stocking up on diapers, getting adult onesies and colorful pacifiers, and even got baby rash cream. The last supplies she had to get were baby bottles and baby formula. Once she had everything in their house hidden away, she got ready to put the list to good use. One afternoon, when Joey got home from work, Brenda, sitting on the sofa, told him to sit beside her.
Joey, after taking off his coat and shoes, sat next to his wife, and when he leaned his head on Brenda’s shoulder, she said, “My silly babyboo.” Joey’s mind flipped, becoming a complete baby, only babbling and drooling. Brenda cuddled Joey, and he giggled. Then, as she tickled Joey, he wet himself with a pleased expression on his face. Brenda grabbed her supplies, and after removing his clothes and cleaning him up, she put a diaper on him and let him choose a pacifier. While he happily sucked on his green binky, Brenda went to their room, and from under the bed, she got a box full of toys. She put some around Joey, sitting in the middle of the living room, and his eyes shone, seeing so many different things. Then, while he played with them, wearing nothing but his diaper, Brenda took out her phone and started taking pictures and videos of him. She rubbed his belly and made him crawl to get some toys so she could record him. When it was time for dinner, Brenda prepared his formula and gave it to him while he laid his head in her lap with her phone still recording. Half an hour later, Brenda saw Joey getting red and realized he was trying to poo. She helped him into a squat position, and along with loud farts, his diaper showed he had made a big mess! Brenda cleaned him up, changed his diaper, dressed him in a onesie, and put him to sleep. By the following day, the hypnosis had worn off, and Joey woke up with a jump. Seeing himself in a diaper and a onesie, he shook Brenda awake. Brenda laughed and told him to follow her to the living room. On the TV, she played videos of him playing as a baby, being fed, changing diapers, and even pooping on his diaper. Dread filled Joey’s eyes as he didn’t understand how that could be. Brenda gave him an ultimatum to only wear and behave like a baby every time he was at home. Otherwise, those videos would end up online. Holding him close to comfort him, Brenda promised she would be a good mommy as long as he was a good baby. The ending will be up in a few days!
Aunt Brenda