Diaper Watching

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granny joan
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Diaper Watching

Post by granny joan »

Do any of you ever catch your selfs looking at other people and trying to figure out if they are wearing diapers or not?Since working for Phone a mommy ,i find myself doing this more and more :D .If you do this also please let me know. Joan
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Little Stinky Britches
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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

No, not really, but I do watch "real" babies to see if their Mothers diaper them with cloth diapers, and especially, "old-Fashioned" cloth diapers with diaper pins and rubber pants. :D

Sadly, today's Mommies mostly use disposables on their babies, because they don't want to rinse out, and wash poopy cloth diapers. :cry:

However, every now and then, I catch sight of a big, puffy baby's bottom, which can only mean one thing: CLOTH DIAPERS!!!!!! :lol:

But, then again, of the few Mommies that use cloth diapers on their babies today, most don't use diaper pins (they use, "Snappys") and the rubber/plastic pants are gone too, being replaced by "diaper covers". :cry:

Yet, they still have the same bulk and puffyness that catches my eye, and looks so cute, but it's really not the same as in the "good ol days" of the cloth diaper/rubber pants era. :wink:

But every now and then............ I see one! An infant or toddler wearing thick cloth diapers, diaper pins, and rubber pants! :D

Of course, I always have to strike up a conversation with his/her Mother, and talk to her about cloth diapers. :lol:

And these mommies I meet are sooooooo nice! They are more then happy to talk about cloth diapering their babies, and they always feel good that someone else likes the fact that they are using cloth diapers on their babies. :D

And every great now and then........ when I'm talking with one of these Mothers...... as we watch their baby play in cloth diapers and rubber pants........ IT HAPPENS. :oops:

The baby stops, turns red in the face, and the Mother smiles a big smile. :D

One of the Moms I was talking to, when we saw her daughter's face turn red, said to me, "Oh, speaking of diapers, I think she's going to need her pants changed."

As we both watched her daughter fill her pants while sitting in a shopping cart, her Mother opened her diaper bag and showed me all the extra cloth diapers and rubber panties she brought with her, and said, "See, I always bring extra diapers with me because she's always needing her pants changed when we go somewhere. As soon as we get to the store, she always fills her britches. It happens every time."

And she said this with a giggle and a smile, and she used the same phraises that the moms I knew growing up with used, "fills her britches." This Mother was EXCATLY like the moms I used to know. :D


I want to thank them for using cloth diapers. 8)

And for using phraises like, "Fills her britches." :wink:


Phew! Somebody needs a changing.
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Post by DiaperLoverLouie »

I don't look for it, but I have seen people out a few times that I just know are wearing. It's very tempting to go up and say "hey I'm a diaper wearer too" But I never would. It is fun to fantasize though. :lol:
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

Ever since I started diapering my abie I have been noticed some that I know are diapered. Or I might watch a little if someone is buying them. People buy them for all sorts of reasons though so I let it go.
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Post by MommyJosie »

Well one time I actually did what Louie mentioned. I was very nervous but I noticed a couple who were very obviously a daddy and ab girl. I caught a glimpse of her diaper under her skirt and the wat he was very doting over her gave it away. So I braced myself and went up and introduced myself and talked with them a bit. I was so afraid that maybe I was wrong and going to get cussed out but luckily I was right and they were very nice. I went to a few get togethers at their house for other ab's they know. I still keep in touch with them. they don't really do the get togethers anymore because they had a few "situations" with some people and their neighbors had a fit when they saw ppl coming in and out dressed like babies. I got lucky that time but I don't think I would ever do that again just because that particular time was a fluke. I am sure next time I would get it all wrong and get chewed.
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Post by Candy »

There is a man who wears a diaper to the beach here, but he also wears fur coats and yells out PRAISE JESUS for no apparent reason. A lot of people walk on by him, very quickly I might add, but I do not. I always smile at him and he calls me "Pretty Lady". He is a very sweet man.

It is amazing how many people cause you to take a second glance now. It was as if we were walking with blinders on only to have them lifted to find that more people then you think do wear diapers. I think it is harder for someone to disguise the fact they are wearing cloth diapers then it is for them to hide the fact that they are wearing disposables.

Either way, I find myself watching more closely to see if someone maybe be wearing out. It has become a favorite past time of mine. :)

Mommy Candy
XOXO~ Candy Kisses
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