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Does breast feeding...

Excite you
Relax you
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Post by Lauren »

I want to know more about what my babies like. I know this could be a hard question for some of you, but try to answer as best you can and be honest.
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Post by Glen »

OOoo a tricky question Mommy Lauren,
I kind of feel both actually. it is both stimulating at times.. and at other times relaxing. I generally would say relaxing but it depends on the context of when I was doing it.
I really enjoy the bonding feeling of laying in the arms of someone special to me and have them play with my hair while gently suckling at their breast. It can make the whole world and it's worries fall away and make me feel safe and loved in moments.
In fact I have actually fallen asleep while doing this with a past girlfriend. She found it amusing but also really touching. I just found myself a bit embarrassed that I relaxed so much and fell asleep.. LOL.

Hope this helps :)
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Post by babymarty »

I agree with Glen, it's actually both, but I voted "excite". :oops:

However, I really like to be bottle fed, because bottle feeding produces gas in the tummy...... which leads to brups....... which leads to toots..... all of which makes mommy very happy. :D

Mommy loves it when I brup and toot at the same time. :lol:

(She always giggles when I brup and toot. :oops: )

Yes, being fed and bruped is a large part of my fantasy, and bruping usually only happens when mommy feeds me a bottle. :D
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Post by Lauren »

Wow, I am so pleased that you took the time to answer my question guys!! it looks like we have a tie! Anyway, I should've put an option in there for bottle feeding for you Marty, but it must've slipped my mind. Sorry! :oops:
Thanks guys for your wonderful input, you've really helped me out on my quest for information on what makes my babies like breastfeeding so much. I am always open for my babies opinions!! Love you guys! 8)

Post by babymarty »

Thank you Lauren for asking a great question. :D

And your question taps into a belief I have about infantilism.

Even though there is only a small number of us who enjoy wearing and using diapers, and regression fantasies, 99.9% of ALL MEN love women's breasts. For most, the bigger, the better.

But since breasts are not part of pro-creation or the sex act..... why are they so attracted to women's breasts?

Why, either durring foreplay or the sex act, do they hold, fondel, carress, and suck a woman's breast like a breast-feeding infant?

I believe the answer is that deep inside, on a sub-level, Men want to go back to being babies again, sucking at their Mother's breasts.

Granted, "normal" men are not like us (adult babies) but they do engage in behavors that make me wonder...... like sucking on a woman's breasts like in infant.

I believe that deep down inside, ALL MEN ARE BABIES! :lol:

Am I wrong about this? :roll:
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

I think that you are onto something Marty. :lol: Men certainly do change around them.
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Post by TheSitterStacie »

I have always had a theory related to warm milk. You know how some people drink warm milk if they cannot get to sleep? I wonder if it has that sleepy, calming effect on adults because subconsciously it takes them back to when they were were breast feeding. Maybe I'm way off, but it makes perfect sense to me.

“And the National Rifle Association says that, "Guns don't kill people, people do,” but I think the gun helps, you know? I think it helps. I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not going to kill too many people, is it?"

Post by babymarty »

You both are right, WE are right and we are on to something. 8)

More reasearch needs to be done in this area. :wink:

Anyone else have any thoughts on this matter? :roll:
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Post by MommyJosie »

Ya know that makes alot of sense. To the lab Marty, there is work to be done! No but really i do think you guys are on to something. I kyself love to breastfed. To look lovingly into babies eyes as I give nourishment. It's the best feeling in the world.
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Post by babymarty »

Yes, Josie, breastfeeding is wonderful. :D

But so is a bottle feeding, if lovingly done by a loving mommy. :wink:

Breast...... or bottle..... humm..... such a hard decision. :?

Lovingly being fed Mommy's huge, milk-gorged breast, while she lovingly gazes into your eyes as you suckle her? :roll:

Or being lovingly bruped over Mommy's shoulder, after a bottle feeding, as her loving hands massage your back, bottom, and tummy, producing a brup, a toot, or both, as she beams a motherly smile? :roll:

Such a hard decision! :lol:
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Post by dangitbawb »

Oh gosh, when I'm not breastfeeding, it excites me just thinking about it. But when Im actually doing it, it's so relaxing, my head in Mommy's lap, her stroking my head, filling my diaper with a warm mushy load, and mommy looking so loving and nurturing, knowing her baby feels relieved. I hope she say's "shoo-wee, baby has a stinky load in his diapers. He's going to have to stay in it a little longer until he gets done feeding from mommy!" And she pats the seat of my diaper, making the warm load spread out a little... Think I might need a moment alone!


Post by Crissy »

It so excites me when abies lips are around my nipple and drinking my nice
warm milk I can't help but imagine the sweet smile that is on his face as he is holding my boob and in quite a dream like state. :P :D :)
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Post by Mommy Star »

mmm boobies tehehe I love them it is instinctual to want to nuzzle them like pillows when we need sleep and sucking on the nipples when we are hungry. Mommy's boobies... its sort of a one stop resource center for baby.
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