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What would be the perfect life?

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:27 pm
by BlondeBabyBoy
Hi everyone I have a question for both babies and mommies: in a perfect world what would your life be like. Try to be as discriptive as possible. Can be as realistic or unrealistic as you want
I'll start off
If I could live in a perfect world I would want to have a mommy take care of me 24/7 irl and have what would be considered the perfect mommy/son relationship.
I would want to live in a 3 story house with an outdoor pool.
I would want to live somewhere sunny but not to hot.
I would want to live somewhere that had a nice view.
And last but not least I would want whatever made my mommy happy 😊

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 4:44 am
by sweetmommyJaney
Hi sweet baby I love what you wrote! Mine would be to live off a beach in a nice house with my cute baby with what ever they would want!

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:13 pm
by BlondeBabyBoy
Hi mama Janey that sounds really nice, I hope one day you get this dream to come true. Also your baby is very lucky to have a mommy like you I am suuuuper jealous.

Re: What would be the perfect life?

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 2:48 am
by Tawny
hi blondebabyboy! How are you well I love janey's reply I would probably get a house on the beach and adopt as many adultbabies as I could!

Re: What would be the perfect life?

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 7:44 am
by BlondeBabyBoy
Hi mommy tawny!
Seems like lots of mommies love the beach, but if your gonna want lots of adult babies to take care of then I would recommend hiring some help!
Also I better be one of those adult babies, I promise I be an angel just for you! 😇

Re: What would be the perfect life?

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:42 am
by MommyTammy2
My perfect life would be an ABy daycare. How much fun would that be!! I would have a home full of abies who are girls and boys and we would have a blast! On the weekends would be relaxing time for mommy. I would have a cabin on the lake!

Re: What would be the perfect life?

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 3:08 pm
by BlondeBabyBoy
Hi mommy Tammy!
I hope that you get this dream to come true someday because all da mommies deserve da bestest things!
Also I like the idea of the cabin by the lake! It sounds like a great place to relax.
If you do get an ABy daycare someday then I better be invited otherwise imma throw a biiiig tantrum!
~sincerely your friendly neighborhood baby boy
BlondeBabyBoy or Jordan

Re: What would be the perfect life?

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 4:16 pm
by DommyMommyAva
the perfect life for me? I'd have to say sipping on martinis on a house high up in the hills, with a whole team of submissive men there to serve my every desire!!

Re: What would be the perfect life?

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:44 pm
by BlondeBabyBoy
Hi mommy Ava!
I've never had a martini (I am only 18 so no drinks for me) but having some submissive men around to serve you 24/7 certainly makes it sound like you would be set for life. Though it may never happen, keep wishing for it and one day it might come true! I don't think I would be one of your submissive man servents but if it ever happened then you will have to sell a training video on "how to make your man a submissive slave". I'm sure you'll end up rich overnight if you did!
~sincerely your friendly neighborhood baby boy
BlondeBabyBoy or Jordan (not my real name :P)

Re: What would be the perfect life?

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 3:04 am
by Jenna2
Oh wow Ava I love that !! I would have some fun with them hehe I could use that and probably have some a few adult babies to spoil and humiliate hehehe But I would love to live in the mountains

Re: What would be the perfect life?

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 8:24 pm
by BlondeBabyBoy
Hi Jenna(2)!
I have to admit, living in the mountains might be really nice! It would be nice to live in the mountains because you would be able to have a beautiful view and it could be very isolated and far away from others, meaning you could have super loud parties and it wouldn't bother any neighbors, am I right! *wink*
But seriously, even if you couldn't live in the mountains all the time, it might be nice to have a small cabin or something that you could buy or rent up in the mountains as a "get away" from all the stress and work.
I hope you get this dream to come true!
~sincerely your friendly neighborhood baby boy
BlondeBabyBoy or Jordan

Re: What would be the perfect life?

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:19 am
by barbmommy
A perfect life would have me living in a log cabin in the mountains (really wants some time away from the coast and hurricanes) with a sweet sissy baby boy that loves snuggles and listens to mommy.

Re: What would be the perfect life?

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 2:55 pm
by BlondeBabyBoy
Hi barbmommy!
I think living in a log cabin sounds like a great idea because you don't have to deal with annoying neighbors and you can throw parties without anyone complaining to you about being too loud!
Also, if your dream ever comes true (hopefully it does) then that sissy baby is gonna be really lucky!
Good luck getting your perfect life!
~sincerely your friendly neighborhood baby boy
BlondeBabyBoy or Jordan