Johnson's Baby Powder

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Johnson's Baby Powder

Post by babymarty »


I have tried many, many different brands of baby powder, including all the "new sents" they have out now, as well as "off brands." :roll:

But NOTHING, has that "baby smell" like Johnson's Baby Powder! :D

Not only do I love the babyish smell, but I love the soft, silky feel, especially on my bottom durring a diapering. :wink:

In fact, a diapering is not complete without a good dusting of Johnson's Baby Powder on your chubby baby bottom. :lol:

Having my bottom powdered by my pretty mommy durring a poopy diaper change, is a MAJOR part of my baby fantasy, and it would not be the same without Johnson's Baby Powder. :D

For me, a complete diapering has to have.......

2 fluffly, thick Birdseye cloth diapers, folded together to make one thick and soft diaper, with a "soaker pannel" down the middle.

1 pair of plastic or "rubber" baby panties.

2 blue or yellow diaper pins.

And Baby oil, or lotion, Vasoline, and JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER.

Does anyone else feel the same way about this wonderful baby product? :D
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You couldn't have said it better!

Post by pinkluvs »

Some Johnson's baby lotion first, some Johnson's baby powder, a nice thick Curity Diaper, and some Gerber plastic pants. Now that's heaven!
Although I do like the old-style plastic-backed disposable baby diapers too! :D
I was diapered with old-style pampers a long time ago. That was fun! :D


Post by babymarty »

Yes, Curity Cloth Diapers...... now that brings back memories. :D

Remember how Curity diapers had the "pinked", jagged edges around them?

Remember the blue Curity logo on every Curity diaper?

Remember backyard clotheslines full of freshly washed Curity diapers drying in the sun?

There were only 3 kinds of cloth diapers my mom used....

1. Curity "flat-fold" gauze diapers that had to be folded sevral times to make one diaper.

2. Gerber "pre-fold" birdseye diapers, that had a soaker panel sewed into the diaper, so no folding was required. (Although my mom and other moms still folded them, and doubled them to make a thick double diaper. )

3. Curity "strech flat-folds" that were made of a strechy fabric that wasn't excatly gauze, but wasn't birdseye either, and could strech durring a diapering to fit the baby really snug.

And no matter what kind of diaper my mom used, she always doubled and tripled them when diapering a baby. She had sort of a home daycare when I was growng up, and babysat a lot of infants and toddlers. Every baby at our house was double and triple diapered, which made them all a little bow-legged, and gave them all big puffy bottoms that my mom always love to pat. (She was always patting baby botoms. :lol: )

(My mom had a "thing" for diapered baby bottoms. Not only was she always patting their diapered bottoms, but she was always pulling open the back of their plastic baby pants and checking for a poopy diaper. Anytime my mom smelled "something", even if it was just a gassy toot, my mom would pick the baby up, and pull open the back of their plastic baby pants, and look down inside their diaper to see if they had, "filled their britches". :lol: )

And along with their double diapers, all the babies at our house were all in frosty white Gerber plastic baby panties. Some of the moms called them "rubber pants", even though they were plastic pants, and they always crinkled when a baby was toddling around in them. :D

Ahhhhh...... those were the days! :wink:
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Post by TheSitterStacie »

I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE baby powder. In the summer I use it all over to stay cool. And it just makes everything smell good, and also, it's a calming smell, makes your heart rate lower a bit. There is something comforting about it.

Also, when I was a teenager, or just about a teenager, I got my first bottle of perfume. It made me feel so grown up, and it was called 'Love's Baby Soft'. If you are a sissy and reading this, you should try this perfume. It is a little bit sweet and floral with just a hint of a powder smell.

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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

I love the smell of this product, and always prefer to use it. I remember that pefume Stacie. It was a very nice scent.
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Post by MommyJosie »

Lol, I remeber Loves baby scent too. Isn't that funny. I love the johnsons chamomile and lavender baby lotion , powder and babybath. It is my absolute favorite.
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Post by Janey »

mmmm baby powder, I love the scent. And I, too, use it during the summer to keep me soft and dry and smelling baby fresh. heehee i sound like a commercial.
Naughty Nanny Ella
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Post by Naughty Nanny Ella »

I'm with the rest of you, I love the smell of baby powder and it belong in a diaper on a baby's bottom

Call Nanny Ella when baby needs a sitter

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Mommy Star
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Post by Mommy Star »

I confess I carry a bottle in my bag be.ause it helps when my feet sweat. Is that TMI. But I like the new scents too, especially lavendar. I think Chanel should make baby powder. But I think they should make everything.
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mommy rebecca
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Post by mommy rebecca »

I love the smell of Playtex Baby Magic, and was saddened when the comapny sold out a couple years ago to Lander... they're product just isn't the same. I also dust my sheets with Johnson's lavander powder... I love the smooth silky feel and the calming scent. Ahhhhhhhhh!
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Post by Candy »

I remember the smell of Love's Baby Soft. I doused my brother in once and I have never smelled a better smelling little crying, whining boy in my life. However, my mom didn't think he smelled all that great. I was dealt with swiftly lol.

XOXO~ Candy Kisses
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