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6 year old kid got spray painted!?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:45 am
by EvolvingGRL
OMG! today i woke up to my radio alarm and they were talking about how a 6 year old little boy was spray painted by a gang member...imagine that little boy, what he went through and what his lungs went through...I hope he's charged with attempted murder! no one should go through something like that and especially a 6 year old little boy!

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:21 pm
by DommyMommyScarlet
That's insane. Did they say how old the 'gang' was? It almost sounds like an accident in a group of kids rather than something older people would do. Then again older people amaze me every day.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 1:52 am
by Jenna
Ohmygoodness...that is so sad :( Is the little boy ok now? Did they catch who did it?

I hope whomever did this gets some real harsh punishment that they won't enjoy at all!


Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:23 pm
by EvolvingGRL
Actually someone sent me the article about it a couple days ago the little boy is 6 years old and the gang member who did it was 15 or 16 i think and it was on purpose because the little boy witnessed the gang member and his friend tagging on the walls so that's why they sprayed him...and yes the gang member that sprayed him is cought going to find the link for it now...ok here's the link... ... 7124.story

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:31 am
by Jenna
Wow that's awful... :(

Glad the guy who did it got caught. He deserves to be punished for that IMHO!


Oh my gosh!

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:17 pm
by pinkluvs
That poor kid! :(
What the heck is this world coming to? I just don't understand being nasty to other people.
I'll bet that spray-painting a six year old made that gang member feel real "tough" when in fact he's nothing but a coward.
I hope he gets what he deserves.
