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A Rainy Afternoon 1959

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:42 am
by Little Stinky Britches
On a rainy afternoon, on a quiet street, a Mother was watching her chubby baby toddle around the living room. It was 1959, and Marty had just leaned how to walk. The chubby baby toddled around the living room wearing just his thick cloth diapers, with blue diaper pins, along with white leather baby shoes. His Mother smiled as she watched Marty toddle around the room.

Then, just before nap time, Marty suddenly stopped right next to the coffee table and stood there with a funny look on his face. His Mother smiled and looked at the clock: it was almost One O'Clock in the afternoon, the time when Marty usually poops his pants.

"Uh, oh, I think somebody's gonna fill their britches.
Goodness gracious! Mommy knows that look! Yes she does!
Yeah, Marty's got that look in his eye doesn't he? Yes hims does!
I think somebody's getting ready to poop their pants."

Marty looked over at his Mother. She was sitting on the sofa, smiling a warm, motherly smile, as Marty felt a cramp in his tummy. The rain was falling outside the window, and the living room was all quiet, except for the sound of a baby grunting.


"Uh, oh, I think I know what Marty's doing!
Goodness! Somebody sounds awful busy by the coffee table!
Are you pooping your pants? Is that what hims is doing?
Yeah, Mommy hears somebody grunting over there!"

His Mother looked out the window and smiled. A soft rain was falling outside..... the living room was quiet, except for the sound of the rain.... and the sound of a baby grunting.


"My goodness gracious Marty! Are you filling your britches?
Goodness! Somebody sure is grunting awful hard over there.
Yeah, it sounds like somebody's doing something in their pants!"

Marty then felt a tug at the back of his pants, as his Mother slowly pulled back the top of his diaper. As his Mother looked down the back of his pants, the telltale smell of poop wafted up to her nose.

"Shoooo-wee! That's what I thought you were doing!
Marty's busy pooping his pants for mommy! Shooo-wee!"

His Mother had been expecting this. Marty always poops his pants right before nap time, so she had everything ready to change him: fresh clean diapers, baby powder, and a wet washcloth to clean his poopy bottom. As the soft rain fell outside, the pungent aroma of poop wafted up from the back of his cloth diaper.


"Shoooo-wee Marty! Oh my goodness gracious!
Mommy can smell you! Yes hers can! Shooooo-wee!
Shooooo! I think I know what Marty's busy doing! Shoooo-wee!
Goodness gracious! Marty's filling his britches for Mommy!"

As the rain fell outside, his Mother started folding some diapers together. She folded one diaper into another, making a thick double diaper for her big, chubby toddler. His Mother smiled as she folded his cloth diapers in a triangle... listening to the rain... and the sound of a baby grunting.


"My goodness Marty! You sure are filling your britches!
Yeah, mommy knows what hims is busy doing! Yes she does!
Marty's awful busy pooping his pants! Yeah, hims got a red face!
Goodness! Somebody's gonna need their pants changed!
Yeah, I know what Maty's busy doing! Shooooo-wee!"

As the rain fell outside, his Mother took her time folding his diapers. She was in no hurry. It was a rainy afternoon, there was nowhere to go, and nothing to do except watch Marty poop his pants. As his Mother folded another diaper, she listened to the rain, and to the sound of a baby grunting.


"My goodness Marty! You sure are grunting for Mommy!
Shoooo-wee! And I smell something too! Shoooooo!
Yeah, I know what Marty's doing! He's pooping his pants!"

Marty looked so cute pooping his pants in the living room. Wearing just his cloth diapers with two blue diaper pins, and white baby shoes, Marty was the picture of infancy, grunting with a bright red face, as the smell of poop filled the living room.

After Marty stopped grunting, the living room was all quiet again, except for the sound of the rain falling against the window, and the sound of his Mother sniffing the air.


"Oh Marty! Shoooo-wee! You need a diaper change! Shooooo!
Goodness gracious! Somebody pooped their pants! Shoooo-wee!
I know what Marty just did! Shooooo! He just filled his britches!"

Marty looked out the big window at the pretty rain falling outside. He was chewing on a toy, and hardly noticed the familuar tug at the back of his pants as his Mother checked his diaper.

"Shooooo-wee! Are you all through filling your pants?
Goodness! Hims not gunting anymore. Here, let mommy see.."

Marty watched the rain fall outside as he felt his Mother pull open the top of his diaper and peek inside. The poop was all over his chubby bottom, and this made his Mother smile.


"Oh Marty! Goodness gracious honey! Shooooo!
You really did a big job this morning for mommy! Yes you did!
Hims is just a little stinker! Oh yes hims is! Shoooo-wee!
Goodness! I think mommy fed you too much cereal! Shooo!

After checking his pants, his Mother laid him down on the floor and changed his poopy diaper. Marty was smiling and cooing to his Mother as she held him by the ankles, and lovingly wiped his poopy bottom with a warm, wet, washcloth. She pulled his legs all the way back over his head, as she lovingly wiped all the poop off his chubby bottom.

"Shoooo-wee Marty! Goodness! Hims got a poopy bottom!
Yeah, somebody really messed their britches! Shooooo!
Oh Marty! Shoooo-wee! You made a big poopy for mommy!"

On that rainy afternoon back in 1959, Marty had messed his pants for his pretty Mommy. And when he pooped his britches, she rewarded him with smiles and coos, and a powdered bottom. His Mother will always remember the sound of rain... the smell of poop..... and the sound of her baby grunting, as he filled his pants in the living room, on that rainy afternoon, back in 1959.


Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:27 pm
by DommyMommyScarlet
Nice Marty, I love being taken to a time with you and big red cheeks. I picture you as this sweet noisy little one :)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:40 pm
by Little Stinky Britches
Thank you so much Scarlet! :D

I love the kind things you say about my stories. :D

You are very sweet! :wink:

Just a note.... I actually re-wrote this story, and it is now finished. Please tell me what you think. :D

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:34 am
by MommieSara
Its just adorable! Rainy days can be most mischievous. I love the thick diapers and toddling around. What a nice day for Mommy and Baby to spend inside on a rainy day! Goodness Gracious Marty, I think hims is stinky, Yes, hims is!