Phone A Mommy Blog

April 23, 2024

Tony Gets Spanked In The Store!

Tony slipped into his local abdl store, looking around furtively before he was greeted by Brenda, one of the regular clerks. He smiled politely and told her he was just there to brоwse. She returոeԁ the smile wаrmly аnd iոstruсteԁ him tօ fiոd her іf Tony ոeeded аnу assistanсe. Heaԁiոg straight for tһe diaper sectіοn, Tony felt a rush of excіtement mіxed wіth nervousness․ He carefullу browseԁ tһrօugh the vаrious optioոs, taking longer than usual […]
March 9, 2024

Sissy Charlotte Has A Party! (part 2)

  (part 1) “Brenda, your pretty sissy is leaking like a faucet!” one of the ladies exclaimed, causing a round of laughter from the others. Brenda, the host of the party and also Charlotte’s mistress, came over with a smile and patted her head affectionately. “That’s because she’s such a slutty little sissy. She can’t help herself.”  “Look at her squirm; she’s so desperate to be touched!”  “She’s such a slutty little thing, always leaking […]
March 9, 2024

Sissy Charlotte Has A Party! (part 1)

Sissy Charlotte couldn’t contain her excitement as she pranced around Auntie Brenda’s house, her flirty dress swishing around her thighs with every step. She couldn’t believe she was finally at her very own sissy party, surrounded by other sissies and dominant women! She just felt so happy, like her chest should burst out with how good she felt, and Charlotte couldn’t help but twirl, her lovely hair flaring out behind her. Her spontaneity caught some […]
March 5, 2024

Sissy Charlotte Has Fun at The Salon! (part 2)

(part 1) “Um, something cute and… pixieish?” she replied, her voice slightly shaky. “Great choice. I have just the thing in mind,” the woman said with a smile before turning to Auntie Brenda. “Is it okay if I add some highlights to give her hair more dimension?” “Of course, go ahead,” Auntie Brenda consented with a smile. The hairstylist began working on her hair, chatting about different hair care tips and products. She found herself […]
March 5, 2024

Sissy Charlotte Has Fun at The Salon! (part 1)

As the morning sun shone brightly through the windows, Auntie Brenda entered Sissy Charlotte’s room with a smile on her face, dressed in a lovely sundress, long hair cascading down her back. She couldn’t help but feel a little envious of her aunt’s effortless beauty. “Good morning, my dear,” Brenda chirped, walking over to her bed. “Are you ready for your big day?” Charlotte sat up, excitement and nervousness bubbling in her stomach. “Yes, Auntie! […]
March 3, 2024

Michael Gets a Little Embarrassed! (Part 2)

  (part 1) Michael slowly got dressed and stepped out of the stall, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. But as he made his way out of the store, he couldn’t help but notice the stares and snickers from other shoppers. He felt so exposed and vulnerable. But just as he was about to leave, one of the college girls from the bathroom approached him. “Hey, sorry about earlier,” she said with a sincere […]