Summer Time Love Fest
June 19, 2022
Aunt Brenda’s Sex Talk Is Hot Sex Talk
June 19, 2022Brenda’s AB/DL Needs A Clean Diaper: I can’t believe that Mimi is messy again—it is as if there is a chocolate fountain connected to her bottom. She simply has no control over herself, and as an adult baby who loves to be in diapers, she really enjoys it when she messes herself.
I admit that times can get busy, and when I am running around the house, Mimi will make a stink, and when I smell it, or even sometimes hear it when she continues to release in my presence, she usually has a big smile on her face.
When I ask her if she has anything in her diaper, all she does is smile.She feels that it would take away from the beauty of infantilism and the beautiful ab/dl if she got “out of character,” so she will giggle and smile to make sure that I look at her as my sweet little ab/dl baby girl.
She enjoys being in a messy diaper, but when it starts to make her little abdl vagina itch, that is when she will pat the crotch of it with her hand as she suckles on her binky so that I will be ushered over to her to change her into a clean diaper.
I would look at her and make a face where I would over-emphasize the smell of her dirty diaper, and I would even pinch my nose in front of her before I changed her diaper to indicate how extreme the stench was, and she would laugh and giggle like the sweet little baby that she is.
I would digress slightly and tickle her feet and her tummy, and the best part of all of this playtime was me placing my lips on her tummy after she was changed to then make noisy “raspberries on her tummy.”
Oh, how she loves the feeling of going from dirty to clean and having playtime included all the way. All Mimi really wants to do is have fun, poop, and play.
She will wait patiently on her back where I positioned her and eagerly wait for me to separate her tabs to reveal her little pussy that is covered in a plethora of poop, and then I will take both of her legs and lift her bottom to wipe it off.
I usually put a temporary diaper underneath the one that she messed in so I can give her a secondary cleaning to make sure that her pussycat is well taken care of. Her pussy is so young, tight, bald, and sweet, and when I peel open her lips to clean inside of her cunt and then inside of her asshole, she gets so excited with glee.
This is just a taste of what can happen with you and me if you give me a call right now so we can enjoy and play. It is only fair that you get to live out your sexy phone fantasies with me, so don’t make me wait any longer. Click Here