Phone A Mommy Blog

April 16, 2017
Hot Big Tits Girls Boy Cock Hand Shake In hand

Special Time With Abdl Mommy Phone Sex Part 1

You know I love taking care of my sweet Adult babies and sometimes I like to make them feel super wonderful if you know what I mean? Sure you do, you see I am a very very naughty Abdl Mommy and I love to do naughty fetish fun things with my sweet adult baby. You see I have some fun toys that I like to use with him and teach how to please his own body and how I love to please him as well! Sometime’s I lay my sweet boy down and unfold his adult diaper and look at his wittle pee-pee sticking straight up and then I take my fingers and slowly trace up and down on his tiny cock and then I take the pre cum that starts to leak out and […]
April 16, 2017
A girl giving the stunning pose in front of mirror

Public Outing For My Adult Baby Part 1

Wake up! Wake up! Do you know what time it is? It’s time for our fun little outing to disney world! So let gets your Adult Diaper put on with some fresh baby powder to make you smell just like a wittle Adult baby! An now to slide on your pink plastic panties with your pretty petticoat and some nice tights to go beautiful with your dress! Don’t worry sweetie your abdl mommy has packed plenty of bottles for you!  And A bunch of pretty pink adult diapers! And I know how much you enjoy getting some spankings so I pack a whole bunch of fun things! So let’s get in the car it’s going to be a long drive so we will be stopping every so often to change you very full diapers!  And […]
April 10, 2017
Beautiful Sexy Teen slowly Removing her dress

Sissy Baby Phone Sex!

Well don’t we just look at you dressed up in your pretty dress and poofy petticoat and double Adult diapers! Are you ready for our special shopping trip? I wanna take you to the mall and let everyone see how much of a sissy you are! And when all of the pretty girl watch as you try on different dresses and giggle and laugh at you after you come out of the dressing room each time!  One of the girl takes her phone out and starts to take pictures of you because of how silly you look and how humiliated you must be by being forced to dress like that! Little does she know that you wanna dress like this to please mommy don’t you? Oh I know you do , To see how hard […]
March 31, 2017

ABDL Fun At The Park!!

It’s warm and windy outside today, so I was thinking that I would go ahead and take you to the park, my sweet phone sex abdl!  On days like this sometimes the older kids like to pull their kites out and fly them, sometimes holding contest to see who can do the most tricks with theirs, who can keep theirs up the longest.  I’ll make sure to have everything that I need for you in your diaper bag, just like a prepared abdl Mommy should do. I’ll lay a soft blanket on the ground for you to lay on with your binkie in your mouth and your favorite toy in your arms while you look up and see all the bright, colorful kites swirling around! If you’re very good, I may see if one of […]
March 20, 2017
A Naked hot women hard pressed her boobs with hand

I’m The Emasculation Phone Sex Queen!

Look at you. What a pathetic little emasculation phone sex whore you are. And not just any whore, no you’re my cock whore aren’t you? It gets that little dick between your legs at full mast just thinking about how much cock I’m going to feed you tonight. I put an ad on Craigslist advertising you as a willing and eager cum dumpster and it looks like we have a line going straight out the door all because they want to bust a load in you. Are you ready? I’m charging a dollar a blow job and of course you aren’t going to see any of that money. Look at all these horny men, complete strangers here because they heard you can suck a good cock or two, or twenty! So I hope you prepared […]
March 20, 2017
A sexy fair woman sitting on the sofa

Nap Time For Adult Baby Girl

Aww look at my sweet Adult baby just laying there taking her nap! She looks so very sweet when she is sleeping, I reach my hand to feel her adult diaper to see how full it is getting I know my wittle sweet pea always loves it when mommy changes her while she is sleeping I absolutely just love her so much She makes me smile so big! I am going to go lay out her mid afternoon snack because he is always so hungry when she wakes up from her nap! Let’s see I am going to give her some apple sauce! Aww I think she is up so I walk back to her Abdl nursery and help her out of her crib and lay her on her bright pink changing table! And quickly […]
March 13, 2017
Adult Teen Girl Holding Glass Full Juice and Drinking

Adult Baby Wetting Accident

Look at you why are you wearing that skirt? “Well, mommy I had an accident at school and everyone laughed at me and the cheerleaders put me in this skirt and said I had to walk home like this.” Haha you see what I mean honey If you continue to have accidents then people will find out and this is what happens! So you know what I like their thinking I think that you deserve to have to dress this way and do you remember the last time you had an accident what I told you was going to happen. That right I am going to force you into an Adult diaper and some locking plastic panties and that is how you will go to school! And I will have someone change you at the […]
March 13, 2017
A Nude Teen Beauty Girl sitting Naked on the floor

Adult Baby Birthday Party Preparation!

A little birdy told me that tomorrow is someone’s special day! I wonder who that could be? Is it you? I think so look how bright red your wittle cheeks just got! You know what that mean we have to plan a special birthday party with all of your adult baby friends!! And a birthday isn’t complete without birthday spankings! I already ordered you the perfect birthday cake but I will not tell you what it is until tomorrow but we have to go buy you a new party dress to wear there! So lets change your adult diaper and get you into the car so we can go to the mall! Once at the mall we walk inside and go to the first store  And you walk over to a cute poofy dress with […]
February 28, 2017
A Adult Teen Girl Shows Off Her Nude Ass

Sneaky Little Adult Baby!

Look at you Where do you think you’re crawling away so fast for? Is that a smelly but I smell? I think it’s time for you to be changed! What’s that you don’t want to be changed? You like the feeling of your messy Adult diaper on your bottom? Well That’s too bad looks like I am going to have to chase you down! I grab a hold of you and tickle your feet! And then Lay you down  unsnap your onsie and pull down your plastic panties and then un-tape your diaper and fold it down and then take a wipe and wipe your clitty and your bottom! After I am finished changing you looks like it’s time for lunch so I am go and open you a jar of pea’s I know how […]