Phone A Mommy Blog

February 29, 2016
A lovely young lady sat in the chair, looking lovely.

Mommy’s Favorite Baby

Oh how I love Mommy’s abdl-baby. Baby and I do everything together. Today as I get the morning started, I walk into your nursery and I see you standing up in your crib ready to greet me. As I say good morning, you start jumping up and down, excited to see me. Aww Mommy’s baby is so cute. I take you out of your crib and I walk over to the rocking chair and set you on my lap. I pull down my shirt so that you can be breastfed. Aww Mommy loves looking at her baby. You stare at me with those big eyes as you hungrily suck on my breasts. When you’re finished, I decide our day can be started. I pick out a pink dress with ruffle trim for you to wear […]
February 22, 2016
A hot women hard pressed her big boobs in hands

Peeping Tom

After I put my abdl-baby to sleep, I draw a relaxing bubble bath. I’ve been taking care of my baby all day. I’m so excited to finally have some me time all to myself. I take off my silk black robe and slowly place my naked body in the bubble filled tub. The atmosphere with the bubbles and candles feel so sexy and I realize I’m finally alone with no one watching me. I turn on the extendable shower head and let the hot water trickle down my back, along my neck, down to my boobs and finally under the water towards my pussy. Though under the water, I can tell how wet my pussy is. I use the shower head’s pulsating water to vibrate against my pussy. I turn up the knob on the […]
February 21, 2016
A girl was studying in her class, seated on a wooden bench in the middle of the room.

Nanny Ella’s Nursery Tales: Pammy’s Playmate, Part 4

Welcome back to Nanny Ella’s ABDL Nursery. Time for more of Pammy’s tale… “Ummm” Pammy shifted nervously in her chair. “Well.” She let the sentence hang in the air. “Oh, it’s no big deal. I wear a diaper.” She shrugged, not seeming to notice Pammy’s gaping mouth. “I generally tell people up front,” she continued. “Otherwise, people will just be nosy. I have always worn diapers for medical reasons.” Pammys emotions were a roller coaster. Curiosity, nervousness, embarrassment, cautious excitement, elation, disappointment…she looked down at her hands, still fidgeting in her chair, unable to make eye contact. Elizabeth noticed her nervousness. “I’m sorry, was that TMI for my first day?” She smiled and let out a small laugh. “I guess it’s just something I don’t even think about anymore as far as it being, well, […]
February 15, 2016
A Hot Sexiest girl with a sizzling pose and a killing look

ABDL Valentine’s Day

I had such a great Valentine’s Day with my abdl baby. I decided to have a lingerie party on this day with all of my girlfriends. I picked out a sexy lace halter thong teddy that hugged my curves in all the right places.  After curling my long blond hair, and doing my makeup, I put on my favorite black high-heels. My little abdl-baby comes into my room and told me I look pretty. I thankfully give him a kiss on the cheek and tell him hes the star attraction at the party. His eyes light up and I hand him his valentines day gift and tell him to open it. He rips through the pink gift bag and inside he finds a velvet red diaper. His eyes light up and I can tell he […]
February 13, 2016
A girl with a diaper was half-sitting on the floor.

Nanny Ella’s Nursery Tales: Pammy’s Playmate, Part 3

Welcome back to Nanny Ella’s ABDL Nursery. Time for more of Pammy’s tale… “Have a seat, Elizabeth,” Pammy said as she closed the door to her office, leaving them alone inside together. “We’ll get you all set up at a new work space this morning, and I can spend some time this afternoon walking you through the job. Oh, I don’t think I pointed out the restrooms on our tour. I’ll be sure to show you those later.” Pammy noticed Elizabeth stifle a giggle. “Did I say something funny?” Pammy asked. “Oh no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just, well let’s just say I don’t need to know where the ‘little girls’ room’ is.” She shifted in her a chair a bit, her bottom making a crinkling noise… *Don’t forget, sweet ones, […]
February 1, 2016
A Gorgeous Girl Wearing beautiful Red Color Outfit and a killing look

ABDL Slumber Party Tonight!

It is time for the monthly ABDL slumber party in our chatroom tonight starting at 8 PM. I’m so excited because I seem to always miss the slumber parties but not tonight! I’m ready to meet some new abdl babies, mommies and daddies in the abdl-community. I think I’ll wear my pink satin pajama set with the pink satin top and satin boy-shorts. That will be sure to attract some attention. I hope I get to meet some new sissy babies at the party as well. We can play games at the slumber party, maybe pillow fight and I hope some naughty abdl action will happen behind closed doors. I hope I see Mommy Tawny there. Gosh, I have such a crush on her and maybe Baby Cam and Baby Alyssa will be there as […]
January 31, 2016
A girl was studying in her class, seated on a wooden bench in the middle of the room.

Nanny Ella’s Nursery Tales: Pammy’s Playmate, Part 2

Welcome back you little stinkers! Last week we started a new Nursery Tale with Pammy. When we left our ABDL hero she was wishing and hoping for someone to share her secret with. Pammy trudged off to her daily “Pam routine” as usual that Monday. But this day wasn’t as usual as expected. Actually, it was the start of something big, so much bigger than Pammy could have ever imagined! But wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. “Pam!” her boss called as she walked in the door. “We have a new employee starting n your department today. This is Elizabeth. Can you take her back to your office and get her situated?” Pammy gave a thin smile – she wasn’t ready for this on a Monday – but put on a cheery facade and gave […]
January 24, 2016

A Great Day With Mommy – Part 1

I stretch my arms high up over my head and roll out of bed. Drawing back the curtains in my room, I see that it is a clear, sunny morning. Birds are singing, there is a nice breeze, and the sun is out and calling us out to play… Mommy is off work today, and baby relies on what mommy does! I wonder if my adult babies know what that means… Whenever I wake up in the morning and I know that I have all day to spend with my little ones, the gears in my mind start turning before I even wake them up! I pull on a robe, tie it around my waist, and head into the nursery, quiet as can be. I lean over your crib and I immediately catch a whiff […]
January 17, 2016
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My New Baby

One of the most exciting days in the nursery for this abdl mommy is when I get to meet a brand new smiling face! I always remember seeing their eyes light up when they realize that I will cater to all of the things that all of my little ones need! When I first take my new baby into the nursery, I show them the essentials of course. There are plenty of shelves full of neat stacks of disposable and cloth adult baby diapers. Plain and patterned, and many colors to cater to the tastes of my babies and diaper lovers! The changing table is cushioned and covered to make it nice for baby and clean for both of us! There is a large colorful rug in the middle, and near the edge of that […]