Phone A Mommy Blog

March 10, 2020

Abdl’s Do Love Their Breastfeeding!

Did I tell you that if you behaved yourself all day today I would let you rest your little head in my lap and breastfeed, let you suck on my nipples so that your mouth nearly overflows with my warm breast milk before you swallow? I do know how much you love to do that, because of how happy and excited you get! Your whole face just lights up, making you the cutest abdl boy […]
March 6, 2020

Chastity For Naughty Babies

I just had to punish a particularly naughty abdl the other day, because he decided to extra bad!  Not only did he not wear his cloth diaper and plastic pants, but he also thought it would be a lovely idea to play with his little weewee until it went off!  Well, what choice did I have but to punish him? A good abdl Mommy must not let her baby go willy nilly about, doing as […]
February 22, 2020

Sweet Diaper Change For A Baby

Terry squirmed on top of his changing table, the strap that Mommy Tawny had buckled around his waist keeping him from going to far on either side.  She gave him a playful swat across his bottom, making him giggle and babble more than he already was. He had his abdl binky in one hand and his fuzzy Teddy in the other, happy and content while Mommy changed his messy diaper.  She cleaned him up with […]
December 27, 2019

Abdl Needs Encouragement for Messy Diaper

Brandon listened to Auntie Brenda’s soft voice, her gentle instructions to get down on all fours like a baby should. He slightly spread his legs, his abdl diaper hanging between his thighs, ready to be used. He needed to poop so bad, so he did as he was told and started to push a little, feeling the first bit pop out, then it just kept coming! Before he knew it he had on a messy […]
December 19, 2019

Bed Time For My Abdl

It’s getting close to bedtime right now, and you know just what that means, don’t you? You’ve had your dinner, had some time to play with your abdl toys, and now it’s time for your bath! It’s time for the bubbles, the bath toys, and me scrubbing you down with a warm soapy rag. Then I’ll rinse you down, dry you off, get you in a clean abdl diaper and a warm pair of footie […]
November 10, 2019

You Can’t Hide Your Dirty Diaper From Mommy!

Do you really think that you could hide the fact that you have a dirty diaper from me? If I could ignore the fact that you tucked behind the end of the couch, trying to act like you were playing hide and seek, maybe it would have worked. If I could ignore the way your face scrunched up and turned cherry red, maybe it could have worked. The noises you make might be a little […]