Phone A Mommy Blog

June 14, 2020
Abdl Adult Boy Sucking his thumb finger while playing

Time For The Baby Shower!

Michael sat in his highchair where Aunt Brenda had moved it into the living room, his legs kicking back and forth while he watched her bustle around, getting everything ready for his adult baby shower.  Everything was almost done, there were streamer going from wall to wall, the little gift bags for everyone were already by the door, there were games to play with prizes to win, and there was a table all set up for everyone to put their gifts. He was all dressed and ready to go in his blue-striped Cookie Monster shirt and his shorties, a bib around his neck and an abdl pacifier dangling from a clip on his cute shirt. Everything was ready, including him, but he was so nervous! All of Aunt Brenda’s closest friends and some of his […]
May 26, 2020
Teenage Girl wearing The diaper and Shows Them

Dirty Husbands Forced To Wear Diapers

I’ve been talking with a few of my friends, and they all can’t stop complaining about their husband’s nasty habits. Seems like they find it too difficult or time-consuming to wipe themselves like grown adults should, leaving some dirty tracks in the undies for their wives to clean up. My friends half-heartedly joked about wiping their husband’s asses for them since they can’t do it themselves; I said that they might as well put them back in diapers, since they can’t behave like adults do. They laughed right up until they saw that I was one hundred percent serious! It sounds like they have a silly bunch of adult babies on their hands, and abdl’s need to be in abdl diapers, for sure. They were shocked at first, but the more we talked about the […]
May 23, 2020
Hot Boy Measuring his dick Size In Measuring tape

Teased For That Itty-Bitty Dicky!

It is awfully fun to tease certain abdl’s about the many reasons that they belong in a diaper. Of course, this doesn’t apply to all babies, but there are some that have little teenie weenies that look like they belong on a tiny baby! And if that’s where it belongs, then there is nothing else to be done about it but tuck it inside an abdl diaper. The right kind has to be picked, and it has to be thick enough that the tiny little peepee can’t even be felt when the front of the diaper is being patted and squeezed. Being thick enough to be noticeable no matter what the baby might be wearing is important as well. Everyone needs to find out about the diapers, they shouldn’t be kept secret! Don’t you think […]
April 23, 2020
sissy humiliation sissy baby abdl

Sissy Baby Embarrassed In Public

Georgie wanted to get up so bad, wanted to walk right out of the restaurant, telling his Auntie and her friends that they couldn’t laugh at him, that he wasn’t there for their entertainment and that he was a grown man. He knew that they would just laugh at him, tease him for being a silly sissy baby with silly ideas about being something that he was not. They would make it very clear that he wasn’t even baby boy, much less a big boy or grown man! No, he was going to stay in little dresses and pink princess diapers like a sissy baby should, and that was the end of that. He did keep wetting his diaper, though he was sure that Auntie was slipping something into his milk bottle to keep that […]
April 21, 2020

Overnight Wettie

It was late at night and I knew that my adultbaby was in the crib, locked down, with a heavy wet diaper. I could hear her sissy little cries coming from the nursery. I put her down to sleep in the cutest little jammies you could image. They were very elaborate. Soft silky pink material and gold thread forming intricate designs.  This set of jammies to me longer to make than any other I had ever sewn for my little darling. They don’t make sizes big enough to fit her. So, I do all the work myself, by hand just to show my little one how much I love her and love being her mommy. I was just so tired, and it was nearly dawn. I thought it was best just to wait until the […]
April 16, 2020
Adult Man In Diaper Holding Teddy While Lying On The floor

Breakfast Time for an Abdl!

A great breakfast is the best way to start the day, any good mommy will tell you that, and it’s especially true for abdl’s! It’s important to give them that first boost of energy in the morning, through an excellent breakfast. Whether it’s bowl of cereal or cream of wheat or a jar of pureed yummy things, everything tastes better when you are sitting in a highchair. I’ve been told that quite often so I know it must be true! Or maybe not everything… I don’t know of any baby that would say those things (even if they’re sitting in a highchair) are better than a warm tummy full of Mommy’s milk! Sitting in your abdl mommy’s lap or laying down next to her while you suck at her nipples like a good baby should […]
March 10, 2020
Milk Leaked From the Hot Girl Breast in nude

Abdl’s Do Love Their Breastfeeding!

Did I tell you that if you behaved yourself all day today I would let you rest your little head in my lap and breastfeed, let you suck on my nipples so that your mouth nearly overflows with my warm breast milk before you swallow? I do know how much you love to do that, because of how happy and excited you get! Your whole face just lights up, making you the cutest abdl boy ever! And it’s very obvious just how excited you are when your cock starts to get hard and press up against your diaper. To tell you the truth, I might love breastfeeding you more than you do. My pussy gets so wet when you start to suck on my nipples, and don’t think I don’t see that tiny little smirk […]
March 6, 2020
Adult Boy Wearing the adult baby Diaper

Chastity For Naughty Babies

I just had to punish a particularly naughty abdl the other day, because he decided to extra bad!  Not only did he not wear his cloth diaper and plastic pants, but he also thought it would be a lovely idea to play with his little weewee until it went off!  Well, what choice did I have but to punish him? A good abdl Mommy must not let her baby go willy nilly about, doing as they please!  He wanted to take that diaper off, so he got a bare-handed spanking to that bare bottom. He was happy to be put back in diapers after that!  He wasn’t too pleased about the chastity cage that I put his weewee in, with a lock that only I can open.  But that is what happens when you touch […]
February 22, 2020
abdl abdl diaper phoneamommy

Sweet Diaper Change For A Baby

Terry squirmed on top of his changing table, the strap that Mommy Tawny had buckled around his waist keeping him from going to far on either side.  She gave him a playful swat across his bottom, making him giggle and babble more than he already was. He had his abdl binky in one hand and his fuzzy Teddy in the other, happy and content while Mommy changed his messy diaper.  She cleaned him up with cool baby wipes that felt wonderful on his warm skin, then rubbed diaper cream on him to keep away that icky diaper rash! An abdl diaper was slid underneath him, then the baby powder was shaken out to cover him and the diaper, making him laugh some more at the cloud of powder that fluffs up between his legs. She […]