Phone A Mommy Blog

December 27, 2019
Adult Boy Wearing the messy wet dirty Diaper

Abdl Needs Encouragement for Messy Diaper

Brandon listened to Auntie Brenda’s soft voice, her gentle instructions to get down on all fours like a baby should. He slightly spread his legs, his abdl diaper hanging between his thighs, ready to be used. He needed to poop so bad, so he did as he was told and started to push a little, feeling the first bit pop out, then it just kept coming! Before he knew it he had on a messy diaper, warm and lumpy against his skin, sagging down just a little. He giggled, happy with the good job he did, and was eager to plop down on his bottom when Auntie Brenda told him too! The poo spread out, and slid more to the front, covering his balls in the stinky mess. He rocked side to side, back and […]
December 19, 2019
abdl abdl onesie adult baby

Bed Time For My Abdl

It’s getting close to bedtime right now, and you know just what that means, don’t you? You’ve had your dinner, had some time to play with your abdl toys, and now it’s time for your bath! It’s time for the bubbles, the bath toys, and me scrubbing you down with a warm soapy rag. Then I’ll rinse you down, dry you off, get you in a clean abdl diaper and a warm pair of footie pajamas to keep your toesie-woesies all toasty.  Or maybe I’ll just have you in a cute onesie and let you sleep with me tonight, so you can keep those toes tucked against my legs! I think that we would both be extra comfy and have sweet dreams all night long if we did that. What’s better than sleeping snuggly with […]
November 10, 2019
abdl boy abdl diapers adult baby

You Can’t Hide Your Dirty Diaper From Mommy!

Do you really think that you could hide the fact that you have a dirty diaper from me? If I could ignore the fact that you tucked behind the end of the couch, trying to act like you were playing hide and seek, maybe it would have worked. If I could ignore the way your face scrunched up and turned cherry red, maybe it could have worked. The noises you make might be a little harder but I could manage it. The smell of a stinky diapered abdl is impossible to ignore! That means it is definitely time for a diaper change, whether you like it or not! Babies don’t get a choice about this, so it’s time to lay down with your legs in the air while I clean your dirty little bottom. You […]
September 23, 2019
Bondage Sex Xxx Diaper Mess Spanking Femdom Paddle BDSM Fetish

Sweet or Harsh Spanking for the Abdl?

I may have mentioned this before, so forgive me if I had, but spankings aren’t necessarily all about punishment. They are very, very good for that, and a lot of you know this from personal experience! There is plenty of variety when it comes to spankings, though. Everything from light pats onto a diapered bottom to hard, bruising swats with wooden paddles. Bare handed spankings over a bare bottom to a stinging cane coming down across a very naughty abdl’s ass and thighs.  They could be a minor admonishment that a baby is starting to misbehave to harsh discipline needed for willful babies that refuse to do as they’re told.  A baby could end up not a bit of sting or redness left on their bottoms or they could be so sore and swollen it’s […]
August 22, 2019
abdl adult swaddling phoneamommy

Abdl Getting All Swaddled

George settled on top of the soft sheet that abdl Mommy Tawny had laid across the bed and stretched out, giggling around his paci when she tickled his belly while she reached across him for a corner of the sheet. She dragged it across him, tucking it underneath and making sure it didn’t tug on his abdl onesie too much.  She repeated that with other side, reaching down and flipping it over him, tilting him up enough to slide that portion of it right beneath him. Next she folded the sheet around his feet, making him giggle again when she lightly pulled on his toes, telling him that she might just nibble on his toesies! Her ran her hands across his body, making sure that he was swaddled nice and snug, giving everything a double-check […]
August 13, 2019
Small girl bathing with foam in a bathtub

Diaper Girl Playtime!

How would you like to have a diaper girl of your very own to take care of and play with all day long? A sweet thing that wants nothing more than to play in her diapers with all the toys you get her, and splash in the tub when it’s bath time. If you decide to put her in double or even triple diapers one day, she won’t make a single fuss, just waddle and giggle around the house while you watch with a smile. Now, that doesn’t mean she won’t be naughty on occasion, get up to some mischief that forces you to put her over your knee for a good bare handed spanking once her diaper is down past her bottom! No matter how adorable an adult baby might be, you can’t let […]
August 3, 2019
Hot Teen Girl With Big Boobs Showing Deep Cleavage

Naughty Babysitter Setup

I’ve been thinking about doing something a little mean and set my adult baby boy up in an impossible situation. I’m going to go for a night out, leaving him in the care of a very pretty babysitter, with very clear instructions that he is not supposed to play with himself in his abdl diaper.  He’s been caught doing that multiple without my permission, and I told him that if he does it again and I found out his peepee is going into a chastity cage! So, I’m going to give the babysitter instructions to wear something tight and skimpy, being sure to bend over a lot. She needs to touch him a lot, gentle strokes against his arms and back, little pecks to his blushing cheeks! Before I get back home, she’s going to […]
June 23, 2019
Adult teen Man Wearing the adult diaper

Mommy Jackie’s Favorite Diaper Patterns!

XOXO Mommy Jackie 888-430-2010 Click HERE to talk to a phone sex mommy #diaperdomina #adultbabydiaper #phonesex
June 3, 2019

Abdl Spanking With A Switch!

Mommy Brenda and I had a conversation earlier about having an adult baby go out to the tree to get their own switch whenever they’ve been very naughty. Neither one of us see a single thing wrong with that! I know the babies don’t like, of course, but most babies don’t like any apart of their abdl discipline. The long walk to the tree, all the while sniffling and crying, having to pick out the best thin branch. The first time they never get a good one, but when I have to go out there myself after it breaks it just adds more hits to that backside with the new switch! It has to be just right to remind a baby just why they should behave, and a lot of babies need that. Do you […]