Phone A Mommy Blog

May 29, 2019
abdl porn

Littlespace With Mommy Jackie!

XOXO Mommy Jackie 888-430-2010 Click HERE to talk to a phone sex mommy #littlespace #ageplaytriggers #phonechat #ageregressionkink  
January 21, 2019
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My Adult Baby’s Cute Idea!

My ABDL Stacey Girl came up with the cutest role play idea the other day. I just had to share it with you all, so you could use it too if you wanted.  A couple years ago, I banned her from wearing ANY underpants. She had successfully been wetting her bed so often, and had daytime accidents as well. I made her send me a picture of all her panties, cut up! She had to formally say goodbye to them as she bagged them up. So, now she wears only diapers at night, and only training panties or  Adult diapers during the day!  She had the idea she might like to experiment with being a naughty girl who can’t keep her training panties dry. I would catch her – probably after her nap – in […]
January 17, 2019
Solo Hot teen shows her pussy & Boobs

Fun games to play with your naughty AB

Sometimes ABies get too big for their britches (or would that be …  ABDL Stacey), and need to be taken down a few pegs to remind them who is the boss … who wears the pants and who wears the plastic panties! When you find yourself in that situation, ABDL StaceyJaney recommends one or more of the following games: 1. “Guess the baby food”: Four or five of your AB’s FAVORITE baby foods are poured into a baby dish, and mixed. You know the favorites …. strained peas, squash, broccoli, spinach? AB sits in his high chair with his bib on and you commence feeding him. After five spoonfuls, he gets a guess as to what is in his baby food. You can tell him which ingredients he has right – but when he gets […]
January 12, 2019
Man sitting and holding his girlfriend on his lap

Abdl Crying Shame

WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP The spanking sounds reverberated around the room. The worst part of that, oddly, was that you couldn’t really tell which sound was coming from your own spanker,  ageplay cousin Jenna thought. Thus you didn’t have any warning – no matter how short – of when you would feel your next spank.  She felt the tears in her eyes and sucked in her breath to try and hold it. “No – I won’t cry! I won’t cry first!” She repeated the mantra to herself. She was always arguing with her cousin, Symone, about who got worse spankings. Symone baited her this afternoon, insisting Jenna could in no way take the spankings SHE got. It ended up with them making a bet – they would each get spanked, but ask the other’s abdls […]
January 8, 2019
Hard strap spanking to a beautiful butt

Punishments for Naughty Abdl’s

When an abdl misbehaves I certainly don’t mind handing out the appropriate punishment. Whether it’s a spanking, time-out in the corner, or washing a filthy mouth out with soap all those abdl punishments work wonderfully to put anyone being naughty in their place. Sometime, though, a stern harsh lecture can bring guilty tears to their eyes quicker than any amount of spankings given over my lap! There is a certain Mommy voice that can immediately make that little bottom lip quiver with big fat tears soon following to stream down those bright red cheeks. Babies don’t(always)want to get me that riled up, but they sometimes get too excited to stop themselves from going to far with whatever they’ve gotten themselves into. That’s when it’s time to correct them, one way or another. So which punishment […]
January 7, 2019
Diaper Fetish Porn With A Bald Guy And Nappies

Secret Diaper Boy

Tagging along with his neighbor while she ran her errands had seemed like a good idea at the time, but a couple hours in John found himself bored and wandering through the department store they were in. It had been an uneventful winter break from school, and he had just wanted to escape the boredom of laying and napping that had been his last few weeks. As he wandered down the aisles, he ended up in the baby department and found himself daydreaming about the diapers. What would it be like, he wondered, to be wrapped back up again in fluffy diapers and treated like a regressed baby boy. He couldn’t help but reach out and squeeze a pack of disposable diapers on the shelf, wondering if they would still fit him. Maybe he could […]
January 7, 2019
Cute Little Girl With Teddy Bear At Home

Jimmy’s New Uncle Part 1

Jimmy struggled as his wife put the  ABDL Stacey on him. “No! I don’t wanna go!” “Too bad!” His wife – or Mommy – told him. “This is exactly what you need! I’m not punishing you anymore – your Uncle Rob is going to do it!”  abdl mommy Janey pulled the toddler style dress over his head and grabbed him by the hand. “NO! NO! I won’t! I won’t!” Jimmy stomped his foot. She rolled her eyes as she picked up the diaper bag that was packed with diapers, changing supplies, a paddle, baby food (strained peas), a bib, and a full bottle of formula (which Jimmy hated). As much as Jimmy was throwing a tantrum, he WAS big enough that if he was really going to stand up to her … something he never […]
December 26, 2018
Young man lying asleep in Grass with a teddy bear

Babies Should Act Like Babies!

Just how is a ABDL Stacey supposed to act? He’s supposed to play with his cute little toes and fingers, for sure. There has to be time spent on his tummy, shaking his rattle and squeezing his soft stuffies, or making vroom vroom noises while he runs his little cars across the carpet.  Tummy time is always important! A baby boy should talk just like a baby is supposed to talk, with cute gurgles and blowing little raspberries.  He should laugh and giggle when Mommy pretends like she’s going to nibble on his cute little toes while she changes his saggy diaper.  And he should absolutely love nothing more than cuddles and kisses from Mommy or sucking on her nipples to get a warm tummy full of mommy’s milk! What do you think a baby […]
December 24, 2018
Girl With Dressed Up With sitting on the table

Pilloried in the Abdl Nursery!

“Naughty baby! You come with me right now!”  ABDL StaceyJenna took the sissy baby by the ear and marched him straight to the punishment nursery. He knew she had a few new pieces in there that had been delivered the last week, and was worried about what they might be. “You know you are not to soil your diapers!!” Jenna was scolding, as he looked at the new contraption on the end of the crib, trying to figure out what it might be. It had three holes in it, and was split down the center, hinged on one end. “All wetting is in  Adult diapers, but everything else goes in the potty. This is not that difficult to learn, unless you are a dumb bimbo-sissy. Is that what you are? Well??”  He was very nervous […]