Phone A Mommy Blog

September 25, 2008

Milk Milk Milk

As it gets colder and I start to pull out my sweatshirts and warm jammies I am noticing that all of my babies want to feed more!! My TITS are so FULL of WARM SWEET MILK that I sometimes leak everywhere!! I have to pump a lot…Maybe there is a baby who needs some of my wonderful Mommy’s Milk…these feeders are ready to go!
September 12, 2008


I came home from school and quickly rushed by my mommy, trying to make it to my room. “Young lady come here” my mommy called when I was halfway down the hallway. I came trudging back to the kitchen. She started asking me how my day at school was and what we had learned. I tried to keep her from seeing my shorts as I sheepishly answered her questions, but she knew. She got up, crossed the room and took my hands and unclasped them. “Janey, what have you done” she said looking down at the large wet spot between my legs. “Oh mommy I had an accident” I started to cry, “young lady, you know better, big girls don’t wet their panties. You know what this means” she looked down on me sternly. “But, […]
August 23, 2008

Stormy weather

First I would like to send my hugs and kisses to all my florida AB’s and DL’s. I hope all of you made it through the storm safe and with little or no damage. I want you to know that mommy was thinking about you guys and girls all week, sending you good wishes. I hope to hear from you soon so I do not have to worry about my lil ones. During stormy weather I know some little ones get very scared. All the wind, thunder and lightening can be very frightening. So I like to try and make it fun. You know what mommy does? I make a big fort in the middle of the living room with lots of blankets, sheets and pillows. I get out the flashlights in case the power […]
August 11, 2008

Offer Not Available In Stores

That’s right, you found it, you found the TROUBLE you have been long searching for.  Call now and receive Malice and Chaos at no extra charge, plus just for calling within the next ten minutes you will receive twice the Trouble you want.  All for the small price of 1.99 a minute plus a 2.50 connection fee (International rates apply).  Operators are standing by. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
July 31, 2008

Behave yourself

Some of you who have gotten to know me well, know that I love anything and everything vintage. Most especially the 40’s and 50’s eras. I love vintage lingerie and clothing. I also just love the mothers from back then. They may have been the ones to stay home and raise the family but they were completely in control. Keeping the household running like a finely tuned automobile. I love to take on the role of a Donna Reed type mom. Those dresses she wears with the heels. Looking immaculate while at the ironing board lecturing you about this or that. And look at that bathing suit, it’s to die for.Those women were always the picture of perfection, makeup flawless, in beautiful dresses or skirts with high heels. Standing over you wagging a finger telling […]
July 23, 2008

Mommy and Granny

I did a great call last night with ABDL Stacey. We caught our little man playing in mommies room and decided to have some fun with him. Can you imagine? Mommy AND granny catching you in the act. We had a little fun teasing him first of course. Then he got a good spanking, but by the end of the call he was a VERY happy baby. Mommy Josie
July 22, 2008

Not JUST a helper

Someone came into the chatroom looking for a girl to be daddy’s sweet baby. We that is a role that I love to play. I love being cared for. And since I have a mommy’s in RL already it would be so nice to play with daddy. But this daddy was surprised. He had read my profile and thought that I only like being the mommy’s helper that I talk about on there. I just wanted to clear something up for those of you who do not already know. On my bio I wrote about ONE of my favorite things to do. We cannot possibly fit all the things we like or have experience with on one bio. I love all kinds of role plays and I especially love variety. I am a switch so […]
July 6, 2008

Hispanic Heritage

¿Está orgulloso de su Patrimonio? Yo soy, los hispanos son un pueblo orgulloso para empezar. A muchas de nuestras señoras son magníficas, todas las curvas de derecho en todos los lugares correctos. Nuestros hombres, Oh nuestros hombres, algunos de los mejores hombres en busca del planeta. Y cuando se trata de cosas de naturaleza sexual, ¡Atención! jajaja. ¿Por qué no me dan una llamada de hoy, pasan en algún momento con un Hot Latin mamá. Are you proud of your Heritage? I am, Hispanic people are a proud people to begin with. A lot of our Ladies are gorgeous, all the right curves in all the right places. Our Men, Oh our Men, some of the finest looking males on the planet. And when it comes to things of a sexual nature, LOOK OUT! lol. […]
July 6, 2008

Hispanic Heritage

¿Está orgulloso de su Patrimonio? Yo soy, los hispanos son un pueblo orgulloso para empezar. A muchas de nuestras señoras son magníficas, todas las curvas de derecho en todos los lugares correctos. Nuestros hombres, Oh nuestros hombres, algunos de los mejores hombres en busca del planeta. Y cuando se trata de cosas de naturaleza sexual, ¡Atención! jajaja. ¿Por qué no me dan una llamada de hoy, pasan en algún momento con un Hot Latin mamá. Are you proud of your Heritage? I am, Hispanic people are a proud people to begin with. A lot of our Ladies are gorgeous, all the right curves in all the right places. Our Men, Oh our Men, some of the finest looking males on the planet. And when it comes to things of a sexual nature, LOOK OUT! lol. […]