Phone A Mommy Blog

November 22, 2020
diaper boy abdl adult diaper

Babies Aren’t As Sneaky As They Think!

 I don’t know why babies have this universal notion that they can hide when they’ve gone poopoo in their abdl diapers. It seems to be imprinted on our DNA, that a baby will, at the very least once, try to hide themselves away to keep from getting a diaper change. It’s always fairly obvious what’s happening, but I suppose that babies don’t have a whole lot of external awareness yet. If they can smell that poopy diaper, chances are that I can too! If a look downward can show them that their diaper changing colors, getting soaked and lumpy… well, you get the idea. I suppose that they think they might have a chance with only one aunt or mommy to watch them, hope does spring eternal after all. But when there is an entire […]
September 20, 2020
Mommy's Lil Princes Giving The Funniest Pic

Lazy Day For A Baby

Tim sat cross-legged in his playpen, stacking his wooden blocks into towers and blocks to get ready for his cuddly teddy bear to come rampaging through and knocking them all down. Once he was bored with that, he laid down on his back and kicked his feet up, still playing with his teddy bear and playing with his toesy-woesy’s as he listened to his Aunt Brenda fussing about in the kitchen getting lunch ready. Her soft humming relaxed him so much that he started nodding off, rolling over onto his side to curl up and suck on his thumb. Tim drifted into that comfy half dosing state, lovely dreams of playing with his toys with Aunt Brenda dancing through his head. He was startled awake for a few seconds when he could feel the back […]
July 27, 2020
Adult Boy Wearing the messy wet dirty Diaper

You’re A Baby, Silly!

What on earth is it with all the babies that keep having accidents in their undies because they always have this silly idea about them being grown men? Is there something in the water? Every time I have this conversation, when I have to firmly tell someone that if they need to be put back in diapers that they are not grown, they act so surprised! If you can’t even wipe yourself properly, why should I let you keep clinging to that silly little fantasy? If you’re messy like a baby, then that is just what you are. A silly adult baby that needs to be kept in adult baby diapers and there’s no arguing about that! Maybe later if you are very, very good I might start your potty training, though I doubt it’s […]
June 29, 2020
Teenage Girl wearing The diaper and Shows Them

A Little Abdl Public Humiliation!

Teddy did his best to keep his legs together as he walked behind his Stepmommy Tawny, and he knew it made him walk funny from the all the looks he was getting as they went through the store. He was starting to think this was worse and getting a lot more attention than if someone occasionally glanced down and saw the snap buttons on his shorts. Either way, every now and then Tawny still squeezed whatever side of his abdl diaper was closest to her and questioned him loudly about whether or not he’d had an accident! All he could ever do was blush and try to stammer out an answer, but she just laughed at him and told him not to worry, she would know when he did once she squeezed that diaper and […]
May 17, 2020
abdl mommy abdl adult baby diaper

Diaper Changes Happen Wherever An Abdl Is!

Diaper changes for adult babies can be a wonderful thing, a special time with their Mommy that can be very sweet and loving.  It can also be very, VERY embarrassing, depending on who else might be around to watch, and where Mommy might be changing them. Getting changed in your abdl nursery on your changing table is different from on the living room floor with all of Mommy’s friends watching or at the park with complete strangers passing by to look over to see them with their legs up in the air.  But wherever the diaper change occurs, whomever it happens in front of, the baby doesn’t decide what’s going to happen! No, that is entirely in Mommy’s control, just the way it should be. Babies don’t have any control, didn’t you know that? And […]
March 24, 2020
Adult Boy Lying Down on the bed with nude

Diaper Change For A Sweet Abdl!

Are you a stinky little adult baby? *sniff**sniff* If that’s you, then it is definitely time for your diaper change! You are going to lay down on your changing pad and be still like a good baby while I put your legs up in the air to get that nasty diaper off you. Once that smelly thing is taped up and put to the side it’s time to grab the baby wipes and get you sparkling clean again… I have a feeling that I’m going to be using a lot of wipes this time! Those cool wipes are going to glide across your skin while I tickle your belly and sides to make you giggle while I clean you all up.  Once that’s all taken care of it’s time to slide that abdl diaper underneath […]
December 29, 2019
Old Man As Baby Child In Diaper With black Teddy Bear

Relaxing With Your Abdl Mommy

I don’t know about you, but I’ve just about had enough of all the cold and snow! I know you abdl’s out there in areas that are past a little nippy right now are ready for some warmer weather too. It needs to be t-shirt and a diaper weather for the abdl and sundress weather for abdl mommy. We will both be able to lounge in the shade, me in a hammock while you crawl off the blanket I laid down for your into the grass! Once you have worn yourself out it just might be time for you to lay in the hammock with me, letting the breeze keep us swaying side to side. I’m sure we would both have a lovely nap that way! Or maybe we could something a little more public, […]
December 12, 2019
abdl abdl play time adult baby

Fun in the Snow for an Abdl!

It’s snowing outside! Do you want Mommy to get you all dressed and ready in your winter clothes so you can play in the snow? It’s the perfect weather for a silly abdl like you to make a snow angel.  Let’s check that diaper first to make sure you don’t go out in the cold air with a wet diaper, that wouldn’t be good at all. That dry abdl diaper is going to be one more layer against the cold and any little accidents you may have while you’re out there having fun! We’ll make snow angels, and a snow fort, and snowballs that I will aim at your diapered bottom every chance that I get. By the time I have to make you go inside your cheeks will be red and blushing while that […]
December 8, 2019
messy diaper adult baby abdl diaper

It’s Time For A Diaper Change Whether You Like It Or Not!

What am I smelling? Smells like a stinky abdl to me! That means that there is a messy diaper for me to change, and don’t even try to tell me that it’s not. The last time I got busy and didn’t change your diaper that exact minute you had un-taped that nasty thing and was playing in the mess you made! Once I had you cleaned up I wore that bottom of yours out, but that’s been a while so you might have forgotten about how you couldn’t sit comfortably for a week after that bare bottom spanking. But I won’t be giving you the opportunity to earn another spanking today, I don’t want to have to clean up another filthy mess like last time! You can cry and fuss all you like, but you’re […]