Phone A Mommy Blog

October 24, 2019
Adult Diaper Boy Lying On the Floor With Teddy Bear

Naughty Abdl Streaks Through Party! (part 2)

(first part) Turns out, Mommy was going to make him regret deciding to streak in front of her friends when he was supposed to be in bed.  She pulled him down across her lap and started to spank him in front of everyone! Since his diaper and onesie were both on the nursery floor, she gave him a bare-bottom spanking that started stinging right then. He hollered and cried, but all the ladies just giggled about him getting just what he needed, and Mommy berated him constantly, telling him how naughty he was, how much he had embarrassed her. By the time she marched him back to his nursery, his face was streaked with tears and snot, and he was sniffling non-stop.  She put him back in his abdl diaper and his onesie, wiped his […]
October 20, 2019
Hot women Pressed Her Tits with hand

Boyfriend Turned Into Baby! (part 1)

Gregory didn’t have a clue what his girlfriend Melody did to change her appearance so drastically, but he loved it! He walked in to find her waiting in the hallway for him, and she was taller than him, looking like a sexy giantess! Taller, and thicker, her breasts straining at her shirt, her belly plush and rounded while her thighs looked perfect for him to sit on. She picked him up like he was light as a feather to settle down on the couch with him perched on her lap and it felt as soft as it looked. She wrapped her arms around him, and he curled up automatically, his head resting on her massive breasts. He felt like such a tiny man like this! He almost felt like….a baby. He realized that he was […]
October 2, 2019
Adult Boy Lying Down on the bed with nude

Diaper Changes For Abdl’s

Brenda 1-888-430-2010 Click Here to chat with a phone sex mommy! #abdl #adultbaby #abdlboy #abdlmommy #abdldiaper #diaperchange #diaperfetish
September 27, 2019
abdl abdl diaper phoneamommy

Abdl Thinks He Can Be A Big Boy! (part 1)

Simon sat in the passenger seat, arms crossed over his chest and his lips stuck in a noticeable pout. He had to go the bathroom, right now! He thought about saying something for the dozenth time, but he was going to prove to his abdl mommy Brenda that he didn’t need to wear any silly baby diapers! He had insisted that he was a big boy and that big boys didn’t wear diapers; only silly babies did! Usually she told to him to stop being ridiculous, but she had been so busy packing for their trip that she just threw her arms up and told him fine. “You want to be a big boy; think you should act all adult now? You have this trip to prove that you are… but if you have one […]
September 22, 2019
Hot Sexy beautiful Girl Talking With Phone

Sean’s Diaper Night

After a long day of pretending to be a big boy, Sean felt he could barely summon the energy he needed to make it from the car to his front door. All he wanted was the comfort of a snug ABDL Stacey diaper and cuddles from his AB Mommy. He collapsed on his couch and began shedding his clothes, desperate to get into the outfit that made him feel like his true self, little and helpless.  He pulled out his cloth pre-fold abdl diaper collection and it brought a grin to his face immediately. Calling up his favorite phone sex Mommy he started to fidget, getting more and more excited to hear her greet him and pick out his diaper (or diapers!) for the night. Her voice was always music to his ears and she […]
August 24, 2019
Elderly Old Man Wearing Incontinence Diaper in Home

Secret Abdl Hypnosis To Make You My Baby!

What do you think you could do if I decided to put you under my control with some age regression hypnosis? The only correct answer there is absolutely nothing! How ever I do it, all it will take is a particular word or phrase that I’ve placed in your mind so that when you hear it, you start to act just like a baby. I will be able to watch the intelligence slip from you, watch your eyes light up as only a baby’s can at the sight of his Mommy! I’ll have to be quick about getting you into your abdl diaper and putting a bib around your neck. Little two-year-old you won’t be potty trained yet and you’ll already be blowing bubbles and drooling like a silly baby does. I’ll have you crawl […]
August 22, 2019
abdl adult swaddling phoneamommy

Abdl Getting All Swaddled

George settled on top of the soft sheet that abdl Mommy Tawny had laid across the bed and stretched out, giggling around his paci when she tickled his belly while she reached across him for a corner of the sheet. She dragged it across him, tucking it underneath and making sure it didn’t tug on his abdl onesie too much.  She repeated that with other side, reaching down and flipping it over him, tilting him up enough to slide that portion of it right beneath him. Next she folded the sheet around his feet, making him giggle again when she lightly pulled on his toes, telling him that she might just nibble on his toesies! Her ran her hands across his body, making sure that he was swaddled nice and snug, giving everything a double-check […]
August 13, 2019
Small girl bathing with foam in a bathtub

Diaper Girl Playtime!

How would you like to have a diaper girl of your very own to take care of and play with all day long? A sweet thing that wants nothing more than to play in her diapers with all the toys you get her, and splash in the tub when it’s bath time. If you decide to put her in double or even triple diapers one day, she won’t make a single fuss, just waddle and giggle around the house while you watch with a smile. Now, that doesn’t mean she won’t be naughty on occasion, get up to some mischief that forces you to put her over your knee for a good bare handed spanking once her diaper is down past her bottom! No matter how adorable an adult baby might be, you can’t let […]
August 3, 2019
Hot Teen Girl With Big Boobs Showing Deep Cleavage

Naughty Babysitter Setup

I’ve been thinking about doing something a little mean and set my adult baby boy up in an impossible situation. I’m going to go for a night out, leaving him in the care of a very pretty babysitter, with very clear instructions that he is not supposed to play with himself in his abdl diaper.  He’s been caught doing that multiple without my permission, and I told him that if he does it again and I found out his peepee is going into a chastity cage! So, I’m going to give the babysitter instructions to wear something tight and skimpy, being sure to bend over a lot. She needs to touch him a lot, gentle strokes against his arms and back, little pecks to his blushing cheeks! Before I get back home, she’s going to […]