Phone A Mommy Blog

April 11, 2019
Pretty Sexy Girl Sitting On the Shoba with Hot Pose

ABDL Mommy Changes Adult Baby Dirty Diaper

Adult Baby Dirty Diaper    I immediately saw that his diaper needed changing. “Come here my sweet abdl diaper baby,” I called to him. “Let Raine change you so you can be nice and clean.” “I made a big mess,” he said with the puppy dog eyes. But I told him it would be ok and laid him on his back, and again assured him everything would be fine and that I was going to clean him up with no problems. I took out my supplies: diaper, wipes, rash cream, and baby powder. I lifted his butt and put the new diaper underneath the old diaper. Then I unhooked the old diaper and saw that he pooped on himself. With the wipes, I wiped on the side of his cock, then I took the warm […]
April 9, 2019
Hot Boy Wearing the Sissy white Adult diaper

Silly Baby Has Silly Ideas!

I have a very silly adult baby boy that had some very silly ideas that he told me about the other day. Do you know what he was thinking? He was thinking that if he’s been a very good baby, he should be rewarded with getting to play adult type games with Mommy! Now, to be fair, there are some babies that DO get to play adult type games and he’s probably been talking with them in the phoneamommy chat room. Some babies are meant to do nothing but baby type things, though, and he is definitely one of those! He is allowed to wet and mess in his adult baby diaper, not make sticky cummies, and that is that. I may need to enforce chastity by putting his peepee in a chastity cage, something […]
April 5, 2019
Sissy boy at it again creampie in his teddy bear

Teasing A Silly Abdl! (part 1)

I got to enjoy a two-girl call with Mommy Jackie the other day with a very fun adult baby named Johnny. We always have a good time teasing and playing with him, since he is a very silly baby! He has a very strong diaper fetish, which is good considering that his wife keeps him in them. She also has him watch while she cuckolds him with her boyfriend, whether she’s giving him hand job or fucking him until he comes inside of her. Johnny got so upset he went to his room and called Jackie and me to tell us everything! Of course, we laughed at him, especially when he told us that he also got excited watching his wife with someone else and was laying down on the floor while he rocked his […]
March 10, 2019
Hot Man Self Masturbate In Messy diaper

Making Sticky Diaper Cummies!

Timmy rocked his hips into his crib mattress hard and had to bite down on his teddy to keep from moaning too loud. He woke up with a super soaked diapee and a super hard peepee, already grinding his hips, pushing his peepee against his wet diaper! It wouldn’t be long before Mommy was going to wake up and come to make sure he was up well, to get their day started. Just thinking about it made him move even faster, because he wanted to make sticky cummies in his diaper before she walked through his nursery door. He would probably get in trouble for doing this without permission, but the wet diaper felt so good rubbing against him! It seemed like forever to come, listening for footsteps coming down the hall! He was so […]
February 25, 2019

The Training Of A Pissy Pants Abdl Boy Part 2

With his tender bottom still stinging and oh so tender, he reached for the nearest box. He pulled it towards him, tore the tape off and opened the flaps revealing several large bags of  ABDL Stacey. He turned to his wife excitedly “are you pregnant!?!”  When Mistress Janey finally stopped laughing she said “look at those diapers a little closer.” He did and suddenly it dawned on him that these were adult diapers. And she meant them for him! He started to protest when she backhanded him across the face knocking him off balance. He laid there on his back completely stunned. Finally she composed herself and said ” here are the rules:  from now on you will wear diapers every day and night. The ONLY time you will have the diaper off is changing […]
February 21, 2019
The mother Spanks and Put Diaper On the Niece as Punishment

Naughty Abdl’s Get Spankings

Chris clutched at the couch cushion underneath his hands, his forehead pressed into it harder when Mommy Brenda brought her hand back down on his bare bottom. He had thought it was funny to take off his thick abdl diaper and streak through the house, waggling his little peepee in his hand when she saw him running past in the living room! Or tried to run past, anyway… she reached out quick and grabbed his arm before he could get to far! She dragged him a few steps over to the couch and told him press his forehead against the couch cushion. He started to fuss and argue, but he quieted down once she told him that he would get five more swats for every word that came out of his mouth. His diaper was […]
February 20, 2019
Hot Girl With nude Sexy Pose On the floor

A Different Kind Of Punishment For Naughty Aby’s Part 2

Sentencing would then include how young they are taken to, how long to grow up, and how strict the upbringing should be.”  John meanwhile was wondering just what kind of alcohol induced nightmare he must be having, as his legs had suddenly left the floor and seemed to suck back into his body. He felt other parts of his body shrink as well, as he suddenly seemed to be sitting on a much bigger seat. His hair – since it is already dead cells rather than living, ABDL Stacey Jenna later explained – stayed the same, and so as his body shrank it just got longer. Soon he looked like a little girl wearing clothes that were far too big sitting in the chair.  Jenna paused everything and came to remove the clothes, – which […]
February 14, 2019
Bare butt spanking of hand spanking porn

Secretary Mistress Janey Part 2

  Oh, she was as sexy as  the hottest milf I have ever seen, but she was also well educated in Fem-domme, and filled in on all the details. She even added some ideas of her own!  So, all she had to do was wait til the right moment – the CEO could easily watch anybody’s computer to see what they were looking at; it was quite stupid of him to be so careless, really – and when she was alerted, barge in and catch him. Once he was caught, she scolded him like a naughty teenager, and he responded, looking so ashamed of himself.  “Well, I think we MIGHT be able to keep this a secret, but there will have to be some changes around here….” He looked at her with pleading eyes, almost […]
February 11, 2019
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Hello To All The Abdl Lurkers!

I’ve been a good little diaper girl for so long that it’s real easy to forget how nervous I was when I first got interested in wearing diapers and other baby stuff. Paci’s, bottles, onesies, things like that! But if you’re just getting interested or you’ve lurking a bit, feel free to come into chat on the phoneamommy website anytime, get to know some of the awesome abdl Mommies and babies here. Take your time, go to the forum to ask any questions you might have or go through the ones already there. If you decide to give one of us a call, don’t feel like there is any pressure or expectations! We can talk about anything you want, and you can ask anything you want. And if you’re mood changes, the conversation can go […]