Phone A Mommy Blog

December 23, 2018
Adult Teen Boy Pushing his wet diaper with hand

Mommy Janey Abdl Story Time

A big black W on the chart, and a sniffling, red bottomed boarder in the corner. That was the way ABDL StaceyJaney did things at her boarding house! When her boarders moved in, she always instructed them to leave one corner of the room empty. And once they inevitably messed up in some way, and needed that old-fashioned maternal discipline, she obliged. First with a hairbrush applied to the “seat of the problem,” literally, and then some time to contemplate things in the corner.  Most boarders were younger, so this worked well especially with them. Her favorites though were like the one she observed right now. He had wet his bed once, and she caught him. Naturally she came up with a way to help him … a bedwetting star chart. Also, to protect her […]
December 19, 2018
Bondage Sex Xxx Hot Ass Spanked Hard BDSM Fetish

Naughty Babies Get Spanked

I wrote a little blog about gathering up all the cute abdl diapers that I could find in the house in a big pile on my nursery room floor, so I could roll around in it,and I clearly stated that it was so much fun that even if I got a spanking it would be worth it.  I had so much fun that I absolutely meant it…at the time.  But when I got caught,I didn’t have so much fun after that! Mommy Brenda fussed at me a lot, and that was bad enough, so she didn’t actually have to spank me! But she did. She bent me over her knee with my diaper pulled down to my thighs and brought her hand down to spank my bottom a bunch of times.  Super hard, too! Now […]
December 13, 2018
Boy on the floor of his house in diapers, with an angry face and crying

A Little Abdl Humiliation Can Go Far…

I have one very ABDL Stacey that likes to go out to public places like Walmart wearing his diaper under his grown-up pants and rub his hands against the front of his diaper when he thinks no one is looking! I have told him over and over not todo that, but that naughty adult baby will not listen! Scoldings, time-outs, and spankings didn’t work so what is an abdl mommy supposed to do? I told him that since he like doing like in his diaper out in public so much, he should try something that he’s never done before. I’ve ordered him to go to any busy store and while he’s talking to someone to poop his diaper right in front of them! You know as well as I do that poops can be quiet and […]
November 25, 2018
Mom Removing The Diaper While He sleeping on the floor

How Many Diapers Can You Wear?

How many super ABDL Stacey do you think I could fit you in? Two goes with saying, three definitely still doable, four still a yes but a little uncertain…. if I want to put you in five or more diapers it looks like we’ll have to get out the duct tape! I’ll stick with six. Nice even number, your diapers bulge out for everyone to see, and you are going to be stuck in crawl mode all throughout the house! You’ll be in crawl mode going out the back door too! To get out the front door you’re going to have to be in a stroller, and you definitely won’t be wearing any pants on over that huge diaper bulge. It’s nothing but your diapers and a small baby shirt for you, mister, so that […]
November 21, 2018
Man Wearing Wet Diaper with sleeping in his home

Baby Gets Excited In His Wet Diapers

Oh, you really do love your wet diaper, don’t you? I don’t think that I’ve ever seen your little baby weewee so hard before, but I guess leaving you in a pissy soaked diaper must be the ticket to get your more excited that you’ve ever been! Are you excited enough to get on your tummy on top of the bed and push your hips down into the mattress so that your tiny weewee drags right up and down your warm, wet diaper? You I both know you are too excited to last long, dear, so I wouldn’t even bother if I was you! I want you to pump your little hips just as fast as you can, and I want to hear every last moan and gasp so I can tease you later about […]
November 15, 2018
Old couple having romantic time in bedroom

Todd’s Diapee Dream

Todd sucked his wife’s best friend’s luscious pink nipple into his mouth, moaning in pleasure as he buried his cock in her tight wet pussy. Mmm this dream he was having was almost too good to be true, and in that blissful half sleep, he reached for his hard cock in his boxer shorts, feeling a growing need to rub one out. That was odd, he thought, why did his boxers feel plastic coated? The feeling woke him up rather suddenly and his eyes flickered open to take in his wife straddling him. What he had dreamed was her sexy best friend’s pert nipple in his mouth was in fact a ABDL Stacey pacifier gag! He tried to spit it out but his wife has strapped it on tight. “Oh, look who decided to wake […]
November 14, 2018
Nude boy holding his big cock with masturbation

Diaper Girl Caught Masturbating in her Diapers!

I got a spanking the other day. Mommy pulled my diaper down and gave me a ABDL Stacey till my bottom was red and I was a sobbing baby girl! I’m still upset with Mommy about that because I didn’t do anything to get a spanking! I mean, she did catch me masturbating in my diaper again, but… but it feels so good! I’m a weak, naughty diaper baby girl that cannot forget how it feels to press my fingers against a diaper in just the right spot to rub and stroke against my clit, and to do just right over and over, pushing my hips up into it until I burst and make cummies in my diaper. How can I be expected to not do that as often as I can? Not to mention […]
November 5, 2018
Teen Boy wearing the diaper and also sucking the pacifier

The Cure For Boredom Part 1

He was bored, and that was his undoing. He had done all the regular ABDL Stacey stuff … bottle fed, diapers, using his diapers, sleeping in a crib, and even a spanking. A recent paid Domme Mommy even put him on a changing table right in front of a large window to have his diaper changed, and left the curtains and blinds in the nursery wide open when she put him in his crib to nap – but he knew hardly anybody walked past the house. Once in awhile a neighbor walking a dog, and even they rarely looked toward the house.  So he told this new “ Adult babysitter” that. She offered to spank him with the windows open, which raised his interest a LITTLE bit at least. But … was it enough? “Well, […]
November 5, 2018
Hot Boobs Girl doing Something on his penis

Cuddle Time With Mommy Mimi!

 I want to cuddle with my sweet ABDL Stacey! I got you an extra roomy crib made especially for you, and it has more than enough space for me to get in there with you. This is one situation where having a midget Mommy is extra nice, because there will be plenty of room for both of us! But we will still end up in a big old cuddly ball, won’t we? You will rest your head against my breasts, wrap your arms around me while I wrap mine around you, and nestle up nice and tight. I bet both of will be sleepy like babies tonight! You will go to sleep with my fingers running through your hair, my other hand resting on your arm while I hum you softly to baby slumber! Would […]