Phone A Mommy Blog

December 19, 2016
A Beautiful women Wearing the Christmas Onesie Pajamas

Taking My Adult Baby To See Santa!

Guess what little Adult baby I am taking you to see Santa!! I know how excited you get when ever your Abdl Mommy Takes you to see all the light and to see guess who?? Thats right Santa Look how bright your face got! But don’t get too excited mr! Because I am going to tell him what a naughty Adult Baby you have been and ask what he thinks we should do with such a naughty boy? Maybe He might say you can’t touch your little weenie! Haha wouldn’t that be fun Or maybe Force you to wear dresses and petticoats for such a naughty boy! Aww don’t cry maybe you should have been a good boy this year and I wouldn’t have to punish you would I ? Now are you going to […]
December 13, 2016
Nude Naked women Showing her One side Tiny Boobs

Forced Diapering With Step Mom Tawny!

I know your dad has been very busy with work and you have been doing so well in school! You know how proud of you he is! I know I am your stepmom but I want to teach you something, But it’s just between us, I know You have been having accidents and to be honest I am tired of cleaning your messy sheets and your dad is going to be out of town for the rest of the week! So come let’s take a walk to you room I have been doing some reorganizing Now come here You’re going to be so excited! Look I’ve turned your room into your Abdl Nursery Look how I put a plastic mattress cover on your bed, also Look how many adult Diapers there are! Now come here […]
December 12, 2016

Naughty Adult Baby With Babysitter Part 1

What a naughty naughty slut you have been! You don’t think I pay attention to what you do when I am not around you little slut Well guess what! I see you through the nanny cams I have installed To make sure you keep you hands out of your Adult Diaper. That’s why I have you in a nice Chastity device so you can’t touch your tiny pee-pee. Last time I left you alone you was trying to take off your Chastity device and So this time I have locking plastic panties over it to make sure you do not try to take them off! I get home from work to find you in the corner and I had asked the babysitter why  she put you there. She said she did because she was feeding you […]
December 5, 2016
A hot girl giving pose and shows her hot big buttocks

Mrs. Claus’ Baby

I think this year mommy wants to make all your wishes come true. I’ll dress just like Mrs. Claus and let you sit in my lap. Tell me all the things you think you deserve from Santa this year. Have you been a good adult baby or have you been naughty. If you’ve been naughty you’ll have to answer to me. If you’ve been a good boy Santa will bring you all the toys you think you baby. After you’re done with your list I can tell you my list of naughty things I’ve done this year. Maybe you’ll help me remember wont you baby boy? Like when you spilt nail polish all over my new hardwood floors. Mommy was not happy at all so she bent you over the knee and gave you a […]
November 21, 2016
A Big Boobs Lady with a hot naked ass

Age Regression Phone Sex

Prepare for some soggy water logged pampers because today were having a special surprise outing for all lovers of age regression phone sex! That’s right so put down that paper work and take a day off from being an adult because your phone sex mommy is going to turn your inner child into an outer child! We’ll be having so much fun you’ll never want to go back to the stress from being a grown up. There’s no room for worry when your mommy will be there to nurture you and fill you with nostalgic memories! No more trips to the potty and the hassle of feeding yourself when your mommy spoils you with diaper changes and food you didn’t have to cook for once! You’ll get some peace of mind while your mommy gets […]
November 21, 2016
A Big Boobs Lady with half nude body and giving a killing pose

Want To Go Dress Shopping

Looks like all of your dresses are getting too small for you now doesn’t it sweet Adult Baby girl! I think it’s about time for mommy to take you shopping again for a whole new closet full of pretty pink dresses and little rompers! What do you think my little baby girl? Look at the huge smile on your face, you know when your Abdl mommy sees that beautiful smile it just make my heart fill so full! Now come on sleepy head lets get you a new diaper and an outfit on you and some nice smelling perfume! So come on rise and shine my wittle girl mommy wants to take you out today and have a mommy and me day! Good girl now lets lay you down and change your diaper its nice […]
November 14, 2016
A hot girl giving pose and shows her hot big buttocks

Helping with the Laundry

Look at mommy’s ABDL Stacey helping with the laundry. You even have your sparkly pink maid dress on! What a sweet helper. Keeping the clothes all nice and clean Oh my you are even ironing! I think someone has a full stinky diaper though because my house is spotless but there’s still a foul smell brewing! Phew! Off to the changing table you go! Now up on the table you go stinky butt! Mommy’s gonna get your little sissy diaper butt all clean and smelling fresh! No more stinky!  Lift those legs for mommy! What a good little helper! Mommy just loves you so! This wipe is cold ok sweetie but it will be quick and easy like always… SEE!! No problem, now a little powder and new diaper and you’re all set to go […]
October 25, 2016
A Hottie standing naked and shows off naked body

Dirty Little Baby Girl

Aww did mommy just walk in on your playing with your little clitty ?  Now  my sweet Adult baby you know you’re not supposed to touch that with out your abdl mommy giving you permission, or playing with it with you! You know better! so that means no cummies for a week and the only time you can is if its with me! Do you understand mommy? Good girl I know you’re thinking I am being unfair. But Mommy knows whats best for her baby girl. Now come here and lets take you potty so we don’t have an accident! Yay you did it! Before you know it you will be all potty trained and then you can wear big girl panties when you’re at school and then the boys won’t make fun of you […]
October 24, 2016
Naked Nude woman Squeezing body lotion in her body

Movie Date

I have a surprise for you my dear. We are going to a movie tonight! I know you’ve been dying to watch that superhero movie since they released the trailer for it. I have your diaper bag all packed up and ready for the movie. I even picked out a snazzy outfit for my big boy to wear. Hurry let’s get you all dressed up and ready to go. I’ll even let you hold on to the tickets I’ve printed til we get to the theater. We can get you a bag of popcorn and a soda too. You’ve been a good diaper boy lately. You can pick our seats honey go on. Of course you would pick here on the main isle. That’s fine by me. Here’s you snacks and drink. I guess the […]