Phone A Mommy Blog

December 4, 2007

Nosey Neighbor

  I was on a call this morning, and to be honest I had to be loud, I had to correct a very bad little boy, tisk tisk tisk!  I was walking around my house doing my call, having a great time, I happen to look to out my dinning room window and my neighbor is straining to hear me.  I thought, wtf (yes grannies think swear words in our minds too, just like you young folk)! So I did the call looking straight at him, being as loud as I could, I would of opened up the window, but […]
November 21, 2007

Story time in babyland

In the last few months, I have been invited to join in writing chapters for a few of the stories written by some of our AB’s in our forum: I had never written any stories on my own since high school. And I had never given a shot at writing any AB/DL stories. I really did not think I would be any good at it. But I gave it a shot anyway. And you know what? I have truly enjoyed doing it. And I guess I am not half bad either (well, so I am told 😀 ). Maybe after a […]
November 21, 2007

Turkey day

Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, My mommy is making a big fat turkey for tomorrow. And I get to help in the kitchen this year just like a big girl. I get to practice being just like a real mommy in the kitchen making Thanksgiving dinner. Every once in awhile I have to shoo the little ones out of the kitchen when they try to sneak in and grab a bite of something before it’s done. Or playfully swat a little hand that reaches up and and sticks a fat lil finger in the pies and cakes. heehee Silly babies. Doyou have a […]
October 30, 2007

I got my butt spanked

When my mommy went out to the store yesterday I just could not resist putting on my new dress for the halloween party. I was running around the house with the babies crawling after me and I fell down and ripped some of the lace. I quickly removed the dress and put it back in the box and shoved it back in mommys closet before she got home. Later that afternoon, she called me into her room. There on the bed was my dress,with a big piece of lace ripped. I immediately started to cry. Partly because my new dress […]
October 27, 2007

Well, it’s been another rewarding week for Mommy Rebecca. At work where I teach I love being able to teach all the good little boys and girls how to make Mommy happy. Sometimes if they are REALLY good I will let them come home with me for for private lessons, those are the best ones of all. Sometimes when I think about cleaning their diapies and wiping them clean it makes me feel so warm inside.   At home it has been a great week too. I really enjoy being able to spend time with the babies I’ve grown to love. […]
October 18, 2007

Diaper love

Not only am I a mommy to ABies, but I am also a diaper lover. When I have had a particularly stressful day at my vanilla job or just with life in general, it is always nice to come home and slip into a t-shirt and comfy diaper. I like a nice big bulky diaper. And when I am sick, it always makes me feel better to slip into my diaper and not have to get out of bed for the whole day. It just makes me feel secure. Sometimes, when I  really fill up my diaper with a nice […]