Phone A Mommy Blog

November 21, 2007

Story time in babyland

In the last few months, I have been invited to join in writing chapters for a few of the stories written by some of our AB’s in our forum: I had never written any stories on my own since high school. And I had never given a shot at writing any AB/DL stories. I really did not think I would be any good at it. But I gave it a shot anyway. And you know what? […]
November 21, 2007

Turkey day

Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, My mommy is making a big fat turkey for tomorrow. And I get to help in the kitchen this year just like a big girl. I get to practice being just like a real mommy in the kitchen making Thanksgiving dinner. Every once in awhile I have to shoo the little ones out of the kitchen when they try to sneak in and grab a bite of something before it’s done. Or playfully […]
October 30, 2007

I got my butt spanked

When my mommy went out to the store yesterday I just could not resist putting on my new dress for the halloween party. I was running around the house with the babies crawling after me and I fell down and ripped some of the lace. I quickly removed the dress and put it back in the box and shoved it back in mommys closet before she got home. Later that afternoon, she called me into […]
October 27, 2007

Well, it’s been another rewarding week for Mommy Rebecca. At work where I teach I love being able to teach all the good little boys and girls how to make Mommy happy. Sometimes if they are REALLY good I will let them come home with me for for private lessons, those are the best ones of all. Sometimes when I think about cleaning their diapies and wiping them clean it makes me feel so warm inside. […]
October 18, 2007

Diaper love

Not only am I a mommy to ABies, but I am also a diaper lover. When I have had a particularly stressful day at my vanilla job or just with life in general, it is always nice to come home and slip into a t-shirt and comfy diaper. I like a nice big bulky diaper. And when I am sick, it always makes me feel better to slip into my diaper and not have to […]
October 15, 2007

Sissies of the world unite.

In case you haven’t heard. I love sissies. Anything and anyone ultra feminine.  I love to make a man into my own personal sissy. I love to give him ‘girl training’. How to use tampons, 1st time at the OB/GYN, how to walk in heels and how to take it like a girl, heehee. I love roleplaying and living life as mommys little girl, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes I like to be a lil grown up too. […]