Phone A Mommy Blog

September 22, 2019
Hot Sexy beautiful Girl Talking With Phone

Sean’s Diaper Night

After a long day of pretending to be a big boy, Sean felt he could barely summon the energy he needed to make it from the car to his front door. All he wanted was the comfort of a snug ABDL Stacey diaper and cuddles from his AB Mommy. He collapsed on his couch and began shedding his clothes, desperate to get into the outfit that made him feel like his true self, little and helpless.  He pulled out his cloth pre-fold abdl diaper collection and it brought a grin to his face immediately. Calling up his favorite phone sex Mommy he started to fidget, getting more and more excited to hear her greet him and pick out his diaper (or diapers!) for the night. Her voice was always music to his ears and she […]
August 23, 2019
Gay Fetish XXX Male Diaper Bondage Sex

Diaper Bondage With Mommy Jackie

XOXO Mommy Jackie 888-430-2010 Click HERE to talk to a phone sex mommy #mommydomme #diaperbondage #bdsm
July 29, 2019
Charming Attractive Girl Lying On Stomach In Bed

Office Baby

When Jim first walked into his interview he was struck with the similar look of all the employees there. It didn’t seem like there was another man in the office at all, rather every single person he encountered seemed to be a mature, attractive woman (what a room full of ABDL Staceys! He thought to himself…). Trying to focus as he entered the conference room, he quickly drank the glass of water that the smiling secretary offered, unaware it contained a powerful age regression drug. He had never been the sort of man to take a woman in authority very seriously and assumed this would be cake, all these pretty women clearly needed a man to take charge of this office! Almost as though she could read his thoughts, the woman across the conference table […]