Phone A Mommy Blog

March 27, 2009


Found the perfect EASTER BASKET for my special someone for that occasion now you know i can’t tell you who it is i know i am being alittle naughty not telling my secret but i do have to keep something a secret from you diapered bottoms.Laughing come and see who gets my basket i might just keep it for myself think i should? Minnie
March 26, 2009

Thanx Jani For Sharing This With Me :)

Mommy to Mom to Mother MOTHERS Real Mothers don’t eat quiche; they don’t have time to make it. Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils are probably in the sandbox. Real Mothers sometimes have sticky floors, filthy ovens and happy kids. Real Mothers know that dried play dough doesn’t come out of carpets. Real Mothers don’t want to know what the vacuum just sucked up. Real Mothers sometimes ask ‘Why me?’ and get their answer when a little voice says, ‘Because I love you best.’ Real Mothers know that a child’s growth is not measured by height or years or […]
March 19, 2009


I was just sitting here watching some video of one of my favorite things. I really like paranormal type things. Nothing could be better than to get a little scared and cuddle up with someone. So why don’t you check them out sometime get a spine tingling chill and find someone or something like a blankie or teddy to hold close for comfort. Daddy Paul
March 15, 2009


Did you wet the bed again young man? You did! That’s it I have had it with you! Your going back in diapers you hear me! Now don’t you whine and cry like a little baby and stop squirming before I slap that bottom! Now sit still and do as mommy tells you! Your just gona have to be regressed back into Mommies little baby boy! Will put some plastic panties on you, now here is a baba and I will place you in that play pen till Mommy is done with the house work. *Knock on the door* Oh […]
March 13, 2009


Sometimes i like to take a nice stroll along the park and just walk and see everything that nature is bringing into life in the spring i enjoy it most when a friend comes along to enjoy the nice warm day that makes it even more fun so come along and take a nice long walk with me.Lets see where it takes us.Looking forward to Spring Minnie
March 9, 2009

Peek A Boo

Where are yooooooooou? Mommy is looking for yooooooooou. Are you under here? Noooooooo. What’s that I hear, are those giggles? Mommy is getting closer, yes her is, Mommy is going to find baby. I see baby toes sticking out from behind the chair, hmmmm. PEEK A BOO! Mommy see’s you! Candy 1-888-430-2010