Phone A Mommy Blog

September 15, 2009

daddies like babysitters too!

well i know how much abies love me but i never really thought about the way the “daddies” love me too!? i mean that always are soo, thanks for doing this for me, thanks for watching him for me, do you need a ride home…the nicest was IT LATE WHY DONT YOU STAY THE NIGHT…thats where it all began! I figured i needed to call my parents first but he took care of that too..what a nice man! So i told him “well if they said i could, well i guess i can.” lol…his little boy was already alseep and i was getting close to going to bed myself when i thought i would go take a shower first, cause he gave me towels and everything and showed me where everything as so i […]
August 12, 2009

Mommy’s Panty Drawer

I know what you’ve been doing – you’ve been in mommy’s panty drawer again, haven’t you? Don’t try and deny it, I found my panties hidden in your room. I bet if I checked right now, I’d find you wearing a pair of my best satiny panties, wouldn’t I? Humph, just what I thought! It’s over my knee time young man, for the spanking of your life. What’s that? No more? You’ll do what ever I say? Hehe, all right then, but why stop at just the panties? I’m going to dress you up in the whole ensemble – panties, bra, garter belt, stockings, and then the REAL fun will begin, starting with a few pics to mark the occasion … Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
June 19, 2009

Relaxing bath

Want to come and take a nice hot bubble bath i know someone that would love for you to join them in the fun and yes you can wear your diaper in the bubble bath i bet you will have loads of fun taking a bath with my friend here don’t you sweetie. hehee so now come on join my little friend in a game of bubbles. Minnie
June 1, 2009

Mommy Always Wanted a Baby Girl!

Kevin, my 17 year old son knows how sad Mommy has been because I was never able to have a baby girl. So this particular day I had a plan for him and how he could make me feel better. I had went shopping all day, and it must have been meant to be because I was able to find everything I needed for my new little girl all in his size! I was so excited and could not wait till he got home from School. “Three o’clock he will be walking through the door any moment now,” I thought to myself.” Ah, there he is!” Walking into the house “HI MOM!” he shouted. “Hi sweetheart! How are you I am so glad you’re finally home!” I replied. “How was your day Mom?” He asked […]
May 15, 2009

Little Red Wagon

I bet this little sissy had a little red Wagon that she loves to be pulled in thru the park and up the sidewalks and she loves to put her dollies and stuff animals inside of it and pull it along behind her bet she looks so cute with that diapered bottom showing as she walks come and stroll along my sidewalk so i can watch and smile. Minnie
May 1, 2009

Its Potty Time

Yes its that time Potty Training time are you ready look what i have just for you my little diapered bottom baby.I know its a hard choice to make but you know at the age you are its way past time just say i know can i know can lol and you might just do it so come along lets get started on that training. Minnie
April 30, 2009

Bad Baby

As you can see this baby has been very bad so they had to get a over the knee spanking.Mommy doesn’t like doing that you know but sometimes we have to because you have been a very bad baby doing naughty things.So if you are being naughty and need this type of spanking you know what you have to do. Lorraine 1-888-430-2010
March 26, 2009

Thanx Jani For Sharing This With Me :)

Mommy to Mom to Mother MOTHERS Real Mothers don’t eat quiche; they don’t have time to make it. Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils are probably in the sandbox. Real Mothers sometimes have sticky floors, filthy ovens and happy kids. Real Mothers know that dried play dough doesn’t come out of carpets. Real Mothers don’t want to know what the vacuum just sucked up. Real Mothers sometimes ask ‘Why me?’ and get their answer when a little voice says, ‘Because I love you best.’ Real Mothers know that a child’s growth is not measured by height or years or grade… It is marked by the progression of Mommy to Mom to Mother… ——————————————————————————– The Images of Mother 4 YEARS OF AGE – My Mommy can do anything! 8 YEARS OF AGE – My Mom […]
March 19, 2009

Ready for Spring

Where has this month gone? I demand to know. Did one of you take it and hide it? I saw the date, and just couldn’t believe it. So spring is about ready to spring though, and that means lovely pastel colors, and all things new and cuddly. At least it does to me. Who is ready to get dressed up and be shown off by Mommy? Mommy Scarlet