Phone A Mommy Blog

February 8, 2008


i had a little one to call the other day and oh my goodness was he in a mess his diaper was hanging to his knees and he was in such a mess i didn’t think he would ever come clean.took him upstairs to the bathroom stripped him down gave him a nice warm soapy bath.but i do think he got more water on me and the floor than maybe himself . i will tell […]
February 7, 2008

Phonesex fantasy girl Lacy

I am your fantasy girl extraordinaire. I love to do it all. No matter what your fantasy is, I am the girl for you. I know alot about all kinds of different fantasies. Got something you think I haven’t tried or even heard of? Give me a call. I would love to learn and try something new. I have no taboos and no limits. So bring it on baby. Of course you know by now, […]
February 6, 2008


As i am setting here by my picture window watching the snow come down i was wondering if any of the baby’s will come for a visit today. I hope they do i sure have a lot of things i would like to do with them.First we would get all bundled up and go out side to play, maybe have a snowball fight or even make a  snow granny  and a snow baby of course […]
February 5, 2008

That girl is wild

I am a little newer to Phoneamommy than most of the ladies here and I have a few different fetishes. Some of which alot of you have either never heard of or never had any experience with. Despite the fact that some of my fetishes are very odd and almost unheard of, you guys have all been great.  I get alot of questions, which is good. I would rather you ask than assume. I also […]
January 30, 2008

out on the town

Do you like to wear your diapers solely in the privacy of your own home while alone or with your significant other? Or do you venture out into public places thickly diapered as well? I haven’t been one to really mix my private pleasures and enjoyment of my fetishes and lifestyle with my life outside of the ab/dl realm , but lately it’s been hard to separate the two. Last week… all week long I […]
January 30, 2008

The sissification of a naughty boy

Well, as most of you know, my mommy has a sissy baby that she sits for on the weekend. Well, he didn’t start out a sissy. He was being quite naughty for my mommy one weekend, so she came up with a little idea for punishment which has now turned him into a full blown sissy. the first thing she did was turn him over to me for a day at the spa. Mommy has […]