Sissy boy at it again creampie in his teddy bear
Teasing A Silly Abdl! (part 1)
April 5, 2019
Hot Boy Wearing the Sissy white Adult diaper
Silly Baby Has Silly Ideas!
April 9, 2019

Mommies Panties

Every morning I hear your little footsteps run down the hallway.  I know you are trying so very hard to be quiet, but those footsteps always give you away.  I smile to myself as I sit down at my make-up table.  All Mommy’s pretty lingerie is laid out on the bed, and I know for a fact that you want to come in and touch my Mommy Panties.  I hear your soft knock and I tell you to come in.  You run to me to throw your arms around me for my morning hug.  You know that I do not like to have my make-up messed up so I give you a very light kiss on your cheek.  I know that deep down you are a Sissy, you just do not realize it yet.

You ask if you can sit down on my bed and watch.  You aren’t going to watch me though.  When you think I am not watching you in the mirror your hand creeps over to my lingerie.  Then quick like a bunny you have your hands running over the soft fabric of those panties.  You lose yourself and completely forget that I can see you.  I turn around in my seat and watch.  I know you want to try on Mommy Panties, but you think it would be bad.  You are correct.  Taking things without asking is stealing, however, if you were to ask me I would gladly let you try them on.

You see me watching you then sit straight up.  I ask you what you were doing and you tell me nothing.  I have you bring me the articles of lingerie over to me one by one.  You help me put them on and I can see your hands shaking as you help me.  Perhaps tomorrow you will ask, or the day after that, until that time though, you will just have to wait.  Call me for your dressing up with Mommy phone sex so we can start your feminization journey.

Mommy Dianna


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