Halloween Party for phone A mommy
October 15, 2008
October 17, 2008

I was looking threw some boxes in my closet when I came across something my mom gave me a few months before she passed….. I hope you all dont mind I’m feeling a little melancholy.

Be there. Say yes as often as possible. Let them bang on pots
and pans. If they’re crabby, put them in water. If they’re unlovable,
love yourself. Realize how important it is to be a child. Go to
a movie theatre in your pajamas. Read books out loud with
joy and expression. Invent treasures together. Remember how
really small they really are. Giggle a lot. Surprise them. Say no
when necessary. Teach feelings. Heal your own inner child.
Learn about parenting. Hug trees together. Make loving safe.
Bake a cake and eat it with your hands. Go find elephants and
kiss them. Plan to build a rocket ship. Imagine yourself magic.
Make lots of forts with blankets. Let your angel fly. Reveal
your own dreams. Encourage them to dream. Search out
the positive. Keep the gleam in your eyes. Mail letters to
God. Encourage silly. Plant licorice in your garden. Lighten
up(stop yelling). Express your love a lot. Speak kindly. Paint
their tennis shoes. Play in the sprinkler with them. Go on
Nature walks. Let them explore their world. Don’t be afraid
to have some fun. Get a bag of sand and build sand castles
in the back yard. Jump in the rain puddles. Let them help
make breakfast. Make up games together, and play them.
Pitch a tent in the back yard, and sleep under the stars. Let
them put make-up on you, and do your hair! Have lots of
laughs! Take lots of pictures. Do things with your kids now,
Don’t put things off till later. Later, doesn’t always come.
Allow your child to express themselves. Handle with care!

I love all my sweet babies now lets go run threw the sprinklers!

1 888 430-2010

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