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Mommy’s Diaper Baby: A little forced age regression sounds perfect to mommy right now. Mommy misses the sounds of a baby in the house. The laughter, the crying, and the crinkle of a diaper are all music to mommy’s ears. Now mommy just has to decide who she wants to make her diaper baby.

With early-onset regression, mommy can make you into her sweet little diaper baby. Needing mommy to take care of everything for you. Mommy will strip you of all your years and all your clothes. You will be a helpless little baby, needing Mommy for it all.

Once you’re stripped down, mommy will lay you down and diaper your little bottom. Then mommy will cuddle you in her arms, and you will feel mommy’s big boobies under your head. Is your baby hungry? Let mommy take care of that for you. Mommy has warm, sweet breast milk for you to fill up on as you nurse from her.

Wrap your lips around mommy’s hard nipple and feel mommy’s milk squirt into your mouth before you even start sucking. Close your eyes and enjoy. Mommy will take very good care of you. You will have nothing to worry about being mommy’s diaper baby.

Age regression helps you shed all those accumulated years and lets you escape reality for a bit as you enjoy being coddled. And mommy definitely loves to baby you.  The ABD lifestyle is exactly what is needed for a little fun for a little one.

Diapers, wipes, and baby powder galore—one can never have too much when it comes to those. Mommy is always prepared for all of baby’s needs. So, come crawl up into mommy’s lap and relax. Mommy will hold you, rock you, and sing to you.

Mommy and her diaper baby Tell Mommy all your secrets and let Mommy whisk you away for some yummy fun. Mommy will have you sucking from her breasts and pottying your diaper in no time at all. Mommy will use her voice and soft hands to teleport you from an adult back to a sweet little baby.

Mommy will make you forget all about everything but being mommy’s diaper baby. You will be so adorable, and mommy will spoil you rotten. With a sniff of the air, mommy can tell you’re not the only spoiled thing in the room. And mommy will definitely be able to smell you when you use your diaper.

That’s the best thing about being a diaper baby for mommy—mommy will change all your wet and dirty diapers any time needed, no matter where we are. And mommy enjoys every second of it, just like mommy knows you do. A diapered baby is a happy baby.

If you would like to be mommy’s little diaper baby, then call mommy anytime, night or day, to play. Mommy is always ready to take very good care of her adult baby, and mommy will make you all hers to do with as she pleases. Don’t make Mommy wait too long! Click Here

Mommy Candy


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