My diaper fetish
August 23, 2008
Nurse Betty update
August 26, 2008

First I would like to send my hugs and kisses to all my florida AB’s and DL’s. I hope all of you made it through the storm safe and with little or no damage. I want you to know that mommy was thinking about you guys and girls all week, sending you good wishes. I hope to hear from you soon so I do not have to worry about my lil ones.

During stormy weather I know some little ones get very scared. All the wind, thunder and lightening can be very frightening. So I like to try and make it fun. You know what mommy does? I make a big fort in the middle of the living room with lots of blankets, sheets and pillows. I get out the flashlights in case the power goes out, and I gather lots of snacks. Then when everything is ready we can crawl inside and cuddle up, reading your favorite stories. Not only is it a fun way to pass the time but it also gets your mind off the storm. Doesn’t that sound like a fun role play also? I have lots of books here for little ones and mommy LOVES to read stories. I have been told I am very good at it. *big smiles* So give me a call sometime soon and let me know your favorite story.


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