Someone is feeding the girl in the spoon with food.
What’s Your Pleasure?
May 9, 2016
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May 22, 2016

Wow, it has been busy here at the Adult Baby Nursery.  Many new Adult Baby Boys and Girls have been getting dropped off while their Mommies go shopping and we are more than happy to take care of each and every one.  We even brought in new Mommies to work in the Adult Baby Nursery so everyone should come and tell them hello when they have a chance.  Of course, my Adult Baby Girl Alyssa and my Adult Baby Boy Cammie have already given them such a warm welcome and have been on their best behavior this week.  When you come by you might want to be on your best behavior as well, since while we all joke around and can be very sweet, there is the more domineering side of us that won’t hesitate to correct your naughtiness with some corner time, a good old fashioned over the knee spanking, or maybe some soap in that little mouth of yours if you are sassy like my little Adult Baby Girl can be.  If you have something in mind outside of the Adult Baby Realm we can take care of that too.  Remember we are here for you and your needs so give me a call and we can figure out what you want, together.



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