Phone A Mommy Blog

January 17, 2019

Fun games to play with your naughty AB

Sometimes ABies get too big for their britches (or would that be …  ABDL Stacey), and need to be taken down a few pegs to remind them who is the boss … who wears the pants and who wears the plastic panties! When you find yourself in that situation, ABDL StaceyJaney recommends one or more of the following games: 1. “Guess the baby food”: Four or five of your AB’s FAVORITE baby foods are poured […]
December 23, 2018

Mommy Janey Abdl Story Time

A big black W on the chart, and a sniffling, red bottomed boarder in the corner. That was the way ABDL StaceyJaney did things at her boarding house! When her boarders moved in, she always instructed them to leave one corner of the room empty. And once they inevitably messed up in some way, and needed that old-fashioned maternal discipline, she obliged. First with a hairbrush applied to the “seat of the problem,” literally, and […]