Phone A Mommy Blog

May 28, 2020
Nude Hot Girl with dick fucked by hot boy

Sissy Baby Gets Exactly What They Want

Andrew rubbed his thighs together, barely hearing the crinkle from his plastic backed abdl diapers as he squirmed on the bed laid out on his back, watching Mommy Tawny walk towards him. Her strap-on was swaying in front of her, and he didn’t even try to look away, the thought of how good that dildo was going to feel inside him made his sissy pussy clench down on the plug inside it in eagerness.  It felt so good that a needy moan slipped past his lips and his hips rocked forward before he couldn’t even think about stopping it. She laughed at him, sweetly mocking his lack of control. She doesn’t except him to have any at all, really, he is just a silly sissy diaper baby! Once she was standing by the bed, she […]
May 26, 2020
Teenage Girl wearing The diaper and Shows Them

Dirty Husbands Forced To Wear Diapers

I’ve been talking with a few of my friends, and they all can’t stop complaining about their husband’s nasty habits. Seems like they find it too difficult or time-consuming to wipe themselves like grown adults should, leaving some dirty tracks in the undies for their wives to clean up. My friends half-heartedly joked about wiping their husband’s asses for them since they can’t do it themselves; I said that they might as well put them back in diapers, since they can’t behave like adults do. They laughed right up until they saw that I was one hundred percent serious! It sounds like they have a silly bunch of adult babies on their hands, and abdl’s need to be in abdl diapers, for sure. They were shocked at first, but the more we talked about the […]
May 23, 2020
Hot Boy Measuring his dick Size In Measuring tape

Teased For That Itty-Bitty Dicky!

It is awfully fun to tease certain abdl’s about the many reasons that they belong in a diaper. Of course, this doesn’t apply to all babies, but there are some that have little teenie weenies that look like they belong on a tiny baby! And if that’s where it belongs, then there is nothing else to be done about it but tuck it inside an abdl diaper. The right kind has to be picked, and it has to be thick enough that the tiny little peepee can’t even be felt when the front of the diaper is being patted and squeezed. Being thick enough to be noticeable no matter what the baby might be wearing is important as well. Everyone needs to find out about the diapers, they shouldn’t be kept secret! Don’t you think […]
May 17, 2020
Humiliation Fetish Boy Shows Off Her dick With diaper

Playing Naughty Games In Your Diapers

You can’t deny that it feels wonderful to masturbate in your diaper, whether you are stroking your cock in your tight diaper or pulling your cock out of your diaper so you can go even faster.  Pulling and tugging and rubbing your hand down your cock till you cum in your thick adult diaper really makes you feel good!  I can promise you though, that it feels much, much better if you got a pretty, sexy Aunt to do it for you.  She could play and tease with you till you’re hard and aching and almost begging for her to go faster.  Maybe if you begged hard enough, she would even bend over and take your cock all the way to the back of her milf throat! You would shake and quiver while she licked […]
May 17, 2020
abdl mommy abdl adult baby diaper

Diaper Changes Happen Wherever An Abdl Is!

Diaper changes for adult babies can be a wonderful thing, a special time with their Mommy that can be very sweet and loving.  It can also be very, VERY embarrassing, depending on who else might be around to watch, and where Mommy might be changing them. Getting changed in your abdl nursery on your changing table is different from on the living room floor with all of Mommy’s friends watching or at the park with complete strangers passing by to look over to see them with their legs up in the air.  But wherever the diaper change occurs, whomever it happens in front of, the baby doesn’t decide what’s going to happen! No, that is entirely in Mommy’s control, just the way it should be. Babies don’t have any control, didn’t you know that? And […]
May 9, 2020
Man Wearing adult Wet Dirty Diaper

Abdl Teased Out In Public! (part 1)

I do love to tease my sweet abdl when we go out somewhere. Some days I’ll let him get away with wearing a pair of pullups (I definitely watch his liquid intake on those days!) but most days it’s thick abdl diapers or else. But sometimes I like to make things a bit nerve-wracking for him, just to keep him on his toes! On those days I like to layer the diapers, two or three of them all stacked on top of one another underneath his pants. Extra crinkly, of course, and if I’m feeling like it I will even put a pair of plastic diaper covers over those. We don’t even have to go anywhere overly crowded, just a handful of people is enough to get my little one so nervous and excited that […]
April 19, 2020
adult baby abdl abdl diaper

Thick Abdl Diapers Are The Best!

Brenda 1-888-430-2010 Click Here to chat with a phone sex mommy! #abdl #adultbaby #abdlmommy #ageplay #infantilism
March 24, 2020
Adult Boy Lying Down on the bed with nude

Diaper Change For A Sweet Abdl!

Are you a stinky little adult baby? *sniff**sniff* If that’s you, then it is definitely time for your diaper change! You are going to lay down on your changing pad and be still like a good baby while I put your legs up in the air to get that nasty diaper off you. Once that smelly thing is taped up and put to the side it’s time to grab the baby wipes and get you sparkling clean again… I have a feeling that I’m going to be using a lot of wipes this time! Those cool wipes are going to glide across your skin while I tickle your belly and sides to make you giggle while I clean you all up.  Once that’s all taken care of it’s time to slide that abdl diaper underneath […]
March 7, 2020
Hot Girl wearing the white gloves

Kinky Abdl Examination!

Mommy Tawny and I had a very interesting call with silly adult baby boy Johnny this week. She wrote a little bit about him, but I wanted to tell you the best part, so she was nice enough to let me.  He told us all about a trip to the doctor that his Mommy took him on, and though he begged her not to make him do it, he was wearing a fluffy abdl diaper.  He even had to strip, taking off everything but his diaper for the doctor’s examination. They were there to talk about his continued accidents and the fact that his Mommy had to lay down the law about not touching himself in his diaper. His behavior had gotten better since she stopped him from doing that, he listened more and did […]