Phone A Mommy Blog

July 20, 2023

Silly Timmy Takes His Diaper Off!! (Part 1)

Over the past few weeks, Brenda noticed how her adult baby Timmy started challenging her authority. Everything became a tantrum for Timmy, and Brenda tried putting him on time-out and positive reinforcement, but nothing seemed to help. Timmy loved walking naked around the house, but he wasn’t allowed to. One day, feeling frustrated, he went against Brenda’s orders and pulled on the crotch of his onesie, opening the snaps from between his legs, and removed […]
July 13, 2023

Brenda Plays With Her Baby Gregory!

Brenda entered Gregory’s room since he had been playing with his toys for a while, and it was time for a baba full of milk. “How are you, honey? Are you enjoying your toys? “Um… (chewing on a plastic teething toy) Yes, mummy, I like them all!” “I’m glad to hear that, sweetheart. Do you need me to change your diaper? You have been wearing it for a while…” “I-I don’t think so, Mummy.” Brenda […]
July 10, 2023

Mommy Smells A Stinky Baby

    P U, did someone make a poopy?  Mommy smells a dirty diaper for sure.  No use hiding, mommy will find.  Besides the smell, mommy can hear your giggles and the sound of you running.  All mommy has to do is sniff the air and listen closely and mommy will find you… “Gotcha!” Mommy catches you hiding in the play room.  Not the best place to hide from a diaper change, all mommy has […]
July 9, 2023

Ok Ok, Mommy Sees

    Well that’s one way to get mommy’s attention.  You could have just told mommy you needed your diaper changed or cried for mommy.  Instead mommy hears a commotion coming from your nursery.  When mommy comes in you are jumping up and down in your crib with your pajama bottoms pulled half way down, showing off that soggy diaper. Mommy laughs at your silliness and asks, “does someone need a new diaper?”  You turn […]
July 3, 2023

Oh Oh Someone Needs A Diaper

    Mommy heard a gasp and looked over to see your pants slowly darken as the pee spread.  Oh oh, someone just wet themselves.  Accidents happen, but this is not the first one.  This has been happening more and more lately.  I think it’s time that mommy puts you back into diapers. We can’t have you peeing yourself and making a mess every where.  Leaving pissy puddles all the floor or wet spots on […]
May 17, 2023

Brenda Has To Give A Spanking!

Brenda had been anticipating the baby’s play date for weeks. She imagined Jimmy having a great time, crawling and waddling around with the other babies in their gorgeous frilly dresses, surrounded by other sissy babies. Brenda could see Jimmy’s excitement increasing as they approached the playdate. He looked around at the other adult babies, curious and happy. The play date exceeded her expectations. They were all dressed up and ready to play, giggling and babbling; […]