Phone A Mommy Blog

February 7, 2017
A Adult Teen Girl Shows Off her Tiny Boobs and Ass

Daddy and Mommy’s Adult Baby Girl! Part 1

Today my Abdl Daddy is taking me shopping for some new pretty dresses! He always knows what to pick out for me to look just like his beautiful princess! I love how he parades me around in my pretty dresses and my pretty pink plastic panties! And Sometimes he spoils me and we have some Naughty time and I give daddies huge cock kisses and I suck on it like a lolly pop! Hehehe, Daddy always tells me what a tight wet pussy I have and he loves to make me feel so good!  After a long hard day of work Daddy come and picks me up from the Abdl Baby sitters house. Then he loves to take me out for ice cream and then we go home and we sit in the floor and […]
November 27, 2016
Naked Stunning Girl looking so Hot and Sexy Body

Naughty, Naughty!

So I come home to find every single pair of my panties scattered through the room! I can see someone is still upset with me for forcing them to be in Adult diapers! Well if you didn’t have accidents like a baby then I wouldn’t treat you as such! Now get over here and quit hiding behind your closet door! I know you’re in there I can see you toes with pink nail polish on them. Now, what did I say? Don’t make me come in there and pull you out by your ear! You already got a hefty punishment coming to you do you really want to add to it? Ok, so it is going to be like this, is it? My sweet Adult baby will you please come out of the closet like […]
November 21, 2016
A Big Boobs Lady with half nude body and giving a killing pose

Want To Go Dress Shopping

Looks like all of your dresses are getting too small for you now doesn’t it sweet Adult Baby girl! I think it’s about time for mommy to take you shopping again for a whole new closet full of pretty pink dresses and little rompers! What do you think my little baby girl? Look at the huge smile on your face, you know when your Abdl mommy sees that beautiful smile it just make my heart fill so full! Now come on sleepy head lets get you a new diaper and an outfit on you and some nice smelling perfume! So come on rise and shine my wittle girl mommy wants to take you out today and have a mommy and me day! Good girl now lets lay you down and change your diaper its nice […]
October 16, 2016
Naked Stunning Girl looking so Hot and Sexy Body

Enema Time

Aww, what happened my little Adult Baby boy? You wanna be humiliated and have your abdl mommy give you an enema and force you to dress up all girly and make you go shopping with me? That sounds like a wonderful idea? Let’s go into the bathroom and take off that adult diaper. I am going to have you bend over the tub so I can get the nozzle in your tight behind! You feel the warm rush of liquid go inside of your bottom! Mmmm, you cry out! Now we are going to place a butt plug in there to hold the liquid  until I say you can mess your diaper! But I want you to mess it right when we are at the mall and the prettiest girl comes up and starts talking to you! […]
June 26, 2016
A hot women hard pressed her big boobs in hands

Will Suck Cock for Candy

Its date night and the kids are at grandma’s. Its time for our monthly abdl fun night. I decide to let you take control and be my abdl-daddy tonight. You give me a bath, put me in an abdl-diaper and put my blonde hair in pigtails with big pink bows. You tell me that I must have either my thumb or pacifier in my mouth at all times. You tell me that we’re going to do some abdl-roleplay and you play my creepy uncle. We’re sitting on the couch watching tv and you start rubbing your hand up and down my leg. You ask me if I want to have some candy and I nod my head yes. You tell me that I have to earn the candy and make my uncle happy. You tell […]
May 28, 2016
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What Did You Do Little Missy!

Well, my Adult Baby Girl Alyssa and I are going to have a Come to Jesus talk very soon.  Mommy got her credit card statement in the mail today and it seems a certain someone has been going on Ebay and buying all sorts of outfits since she can never have enough and has been using my credit card to pay for them.  She knows she is not supposed to touch Mommy’s credit card since Mommy has to pay bills.  I had been wondering where all these packages from days on end were coming from that she would quickly grab and disappear with.  So she won’t be able to play with all you other Adult Babies for a bit since on top of getting a nice hard spanking over Mommy’s lap, she will be grounded […]
May 22, 2016
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My sweet little Adult Baby Girl had been watching too many adult shows lately, so I decided something needed to change. I told her that from now on she can only watch shows that are approved by Mommy as appropriate for her age. First up on her list was Tinkerbell. I made sure she was nice and comfortable as she sat in my lap. Since my sweet baby girl already had a fresh clean diaper on I decided before we watched the movie together that I would nurse her. I unbuttoned my top and watched her eyes go wide in amazement. Next, I undid the right flap on my nursing bra and gently led her head to my breast as she opened her little mouth and began to suckle on Mommy’s Breast drinking all the […]
May 15, 2016
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Such A Busy Nursery

Wow, it has been busy here at the Adult Baby Nursery.  Many new Adult Baby Boys and Girls have been getting dropped off while their Mommies go shopping and we are more than happy to take care of each and every one.  We even brought in new Mommies to work in the Adult Baby Nursery so everyone should come and tell them hello when they have a chance.  Of course, my Adult Baby Girl Alyssa and my Adult Baby Boy Cammie have already given them such a warm welcome and have been on their best behavior this week.  When you come by you might want to be on your best behavior as well, since while we all joke around and can be very sweet, there is the more domineering side of us that won’t hesitate […]
April 28, 2016
A Girl Socking on the bathing tub with full of water

Bath Time

Alright, my little Adult Baby it’s time for your bath.  Mommy is going to go and fill up the tub and make sure you have all your bath toys since I know you love your rubber ducky.  Once it fills up it’s off to the changing table with you to get you out of that stinky and wet diaper.  I’ll take off your clothes and get you all nice and clean with the wipes and then carry you to the bathroom and gently set you in the tub.  I’ll make sure every inch of your body gets all nice and soapy with the Johnson’s Baby Wash and even make cute designs in your hair with the soap and lather you all up.  Then I’ll have you get on all fours and put that bottom up […]