Phone A Mommy Blog

November 6, 2018
Prissy Sissy Girl Bow Beauty Satin Pink Dress Puff Ball Sleeves

Sissy Hypnosis Lessons!

I know you must be very surprised right now. It’s definitely not everyday that a grown man wakes up in such a cute little outfit! I suppose it’s a good thing then that you aren’t a grown man anymore. Do you remember those hypnosis sessions that I was finally able to nag you to go to? I know I got really pushy with those, but that’s because I was so impatient to see you all dressed up like the brand new ABDL Stacey you are now! That hypnotist is a good friend of mine, and she’s been listening to me go on and on about how arrogant you’ve become for no good reason! You’ve become a jerk, so we decided that you needed to be taught some humility. I told you that the sessions were […]
October 28, 2018
Girl Wearing the sissy dress with diaper

Sissy Dress-up Time!

It’s time to get you dressed to go out for the day, ABDL Stacey. I want you to be so sweet and adorable that all the other mommies will be green with envy! I’m thinking that a pink and white dress with the poofiest little hem is exactly what I want you in, right along with your diaper and a pair of sheer tights. Of course, the dress is short enough to show your diapered sissy bottom to anyone that takes the tiniest glance in your direction. Oh, and maybe a frilly bonnet to match! That would make it easier for you duck your head down to hide behind the rim so know one could see your bright red blush! If you have an accident in your thick abdl diaper, don’t worry about anything because […]
October 8, 2018
Sexy Hottie Women Showing her naked half boobs with dress

Diaper Wearing Punishment (part 2)

Jeff laid in his new crib and cried like the little baby Tawny said he was now. If any of his friends saw him now that would say that he was a baby! He was in nothing but a short pink Hello Kitty shirt, two thick abdl diapers between his thighs and he had a ABDL Stacey strapped around his head, the pacifier muffling his sobs. Worst of all was the sissy chastity cage that was locked around his cock. He’d never had a stepmom fetish but when he was on the bed with Tawny jacking him off he felt he was going to come hard enough to rupture something! Then she stopped and proceeded to stuff his hard-on in the chastity cage and told him that it was going to stay on until she […]
August 31, 2018
Teen Boy Showing her adult white diaper

Diaper Training For Naughty Young Boys!

You will call me Aunt Brenda, and you are probably wondering why your Mommy dropped you off here. Apparently, you have been quite unruly lately, nearly driving her crazy trying to find out a way to make you behave. She found out about me and my unique specialty of being able to rein in boys your age. The problem is that your balls are just now starting to drop, and it makes you flex, makes you feel like you’re a grown man already. With some ABDL Stacey, I’m going to remind you just how little you still are, dear. Now you will strip naked, lay down on the couch I will be putting you in a thick disposable diaper. You will go potty in your diaper, no bathroom for such a little baby! If you […]
August 30, 2018
The Pinky Girly Twins Sitting together with their mother

My Boyfriend The Sissy Slut

Part two of Kathryn’s plan to ABDL Stacey her lacking boyfriend was even more devious. He really hadn’t been pulling his weight around the house at all, and now that his lips and tits had started to fill in he was starting to look more like the cock hungry sissy whore she planned on turning him into. But she knew he still held onto some part of the ‘man’ he once thought of himself as, so his becoming a sissy slut would still take some, shall we say, encouragement… Kathryn waited till Ed was getting ready for bed, slipping up behind him with a syringe full of tranquilizers, she giggled as he passed out at her feet. Ed woke up groggily, wondering why the world seemed to be rocking. As he looked up his eyes […]
August 5, 2018
A glamorous lady with a juicy boobs and a hot ass covered with a white dress

Dominating Mistress Assignment

I gave a very special caller an assignment the other day. I told her I wanted her to write a small blog for me about how she feels about our conversations. I am very pleased with what she gave me. When I call Miss Brenda I consider it like a therapy session more than not. For some reason it keeps me well “grounded”. I will not go into the details of the calls, but I will say some have been extreme. I have been known to cry during and after the call, I have no regrets and continue to call because she is one of the best if not the best ever in the business. When reflecting on every call I have made, I have never had a regret and for some reason I am […]
May 26, 2018
Seduction Standing by Sexy French Maid Costume

Sissy Maid Punishment (Part 1)

And just why have you decided to complain about your girlfriend to me? I know I’m your Aunt, but I’m not going to get in the middle of your relationship! I can understand you being upset about the ABDL Stacey and the diapers that she has made you wear. The little ABDL Stacey are even less manly than the onesies, with the lace and bows and the really short skirts, aren’t they? That sissy chastity cage that she put on you is really just salt in the wound! She has you prancing around in some cute heels, taking little Nancy steps as you do all the chores around the house, and she does not care if her friends come over. You will just have to walk around them and do nothing but blush and say […]
May 13, 2018
Pretty Hot Woman Seductively Looking At Camera

Regressed To Be My Baby!

Now, I know this is confusing, dear, and I can understand you being upset, absolutely! I mean, you did go to sleep as a full grown man, and now…now you are neither one. Not full-grown, and definitely not a man. No, sweet gums, you’re just a small, infantile baby now! All it took was a special ingredient in that drink I made for you last night, and it worked as advertised! Age regression for the woman looking for a very special baby. Best part is, you can’t tell anyone! All you can is fuss and cry, because that’s all a baby can do! See, I can hold you in my arms with no problems at all, and you fit right against my chest. Give this some time, and I’m sure you will learn to love […]
March 15, 2009


Did you wet the bed again young man? You did! That’s it I have had it with you! Your going back in diapers you hear me! Now don’t you whine and cry like a little baby and stop squirming before I slap that bottom! Now sit still and do as mommy tells you! Your just gona have to be regressed back into Mommies little baby boy! Will put some plastic panties on you, now here is a baba and I will place you in that play pen till Mommy is done with the house work. *Knock on the door* Oh my, who might that be, why it’s Sharon and her daughters Cindy and Brianna. “Come on in, Come in. See my little boy, isn’t he just darling? Now you girls be nice to the baby […]