Phone A Mommy Blog

March 6, 2019
Hot Sexy Man Shows of Close Up Boy With Pacifier

Mommy’s Diaper Dungeon Pt 1

Slamming the door shut behind him, Jorge stomped into his house in his typical fashion- pissed off from his day at work and ready to take it out on his ABDL Stacey while she had done nothing wrong. In fact, little did he know but she had decided that enough was enough- if her husband was going to throw tantrums like this then he was going to get treated like a disobedient adult baby boy! She had a cold beer open and ready for him and he had already greedily chugged half of it before realizing it tasted off… Claudia was drugging him to force him into diaper bondage and he started to feel so very sleepy and helpless. As the effects of her cocktail took hold of him he even began to drool as […]
January 7, 2019
Diaper Fetish Porn With A Bald Guy And Nappies

Secret Diaper Boy

Tagging along with his neighbor while she ran her errands had seemed like a good idea at the time, but a couple hours in John found himself bored and wandering through the department store they were in. It had been an uneventful winter break from school, and he had just wanted to escape the boredom of laying and napping that had been his last few weeks. As he wandered down the aisles, he ended up in the baby department and found himself daydreaming about the diapers. What would it be like, he wondered, to be wrapped back up again in fluffy diapers and treated like a regressed baby boy. He couldn’t help but reach out and squeeze a pack of disposable diapers on the shelf, wondering if they would still fit him. Maybe he could […]
October 3, 2016
A White Pretty Women Pressed her boobs hard in hand

Pizza for Dinner

“Thank you for calling Pizza Palace. My name is Hansel, how can I help you this evening?” answered the bright operator on the other end of the line. “Hi Hansel, I’d like to place an order for delivery please. My name is Star.” I replied. “Well hello Ms. Star, What can I get started for you today?” “I would like a medium Pepperoni pizza with black olives and extra cheese. Also could you add a litter bottle of Mr. Lime, please.” “Yes ma’am. Will that be it for your tonight?” “Yes thank you Hansel” “My pleasure. Your total tonight will be $17.68 and your pizza prince will be there in about 15 minutes. Have a pleasant evening and enjoy!” *click* The phone line dies and start my movie and wait patiently for my pizza to […]