Phone A Mommy Blog

May 18, 2019

Teaching AB to Count

I love getting to teach new things to my little abies and diaper lovers, too. But my little ones especially need some extra guidance when it comes to learning all of the things that they must as they grow. This includes not only ABC’s, but 1,2,3’s as well! It can be hard for an ABDL Stacey to focus when we are together in the nursery. The bright colors of all of their favorite toys and stuffies, not to mention the sweet smells of the bottles of baby powder and the plastic pants that I have put neatly away.. these can all make for one distracted baby! This is where I as a mommy have to acknowledge the balance between tough love, and spoiling them rotten which I so love to do. When regressing, it can […]
May 14, 2019
Adult Boy Using the Chastity Shrink Penises

Are You A Naughty Sissy?

Brenda 1-888-430-2010 Click Here to chat with a phone sex Mommy! #sissychastity #sissy #femdom #chastitycage #forcedchastity
April 5, 2019
Fashion Dressed Beautiful Sexy Woman Sitting on Chair

Dressing With Mommy ABDL phonesex

Every morning I hear your little footsteps run down the hallway.  I know you are trying so very hard to be quiet, but those footsteps always give you away.  I smile to myself as I sit down at my make-up table.  All Mommy’s pretty lingerie is laid out on the bed, and I know for a fact that you want to come in and touch my Mommy Panties.  I hear your soft knock and I tell you to come in.  You run to me to throw your arms around me for my morning hug.  You know that I do not like to have my make-up messed up so I give you a very light kiss on your cheek.  I know that deep down you are a Sissy, you just do not realize it yet. You […]
December 25, 2018
Sissy Red Satin Alice in Wonderland Style Dress and Apron

A Very Sissy Christmas!

It’s the holiday season, the house is decorated, the food is nearly ready, almost everything is prepared and done and all we’re waiting for is our guests.  Last thing I have to do is get you dressed and dolled up to show off in front of everyone that will be coming over.  That’s right, sissy, I’m going to primp you up for everyone to laugh and chuckle at while you blush and stammer as they tease you.  You can’t get more festive than with a red velvet dress for the Christmas holidays, and one that is short enough for everyone to see your diapers is exactly what you are going to get.  I’m going to tuck you into three super thick abdl diapers so you have that cute baby waddle, but you don’t have to […]
December 23, 2018
Wet Look Glossy Shiny Liquid Silky Satin Panties

School For Sissies

Sissy girl Robyn rushed out of her girly dressing room and down the hall, cursing as she felt her lace topped stockings catch on the railing as she was certain they would have a huge, unseemly run in them now. This was the last thing she needed this morning, after all she was already running late to her first class of the day! Robyn’s isty bitty clitty throbbed in her silky ABDL Stacey as she thought about the public punishment she was sure to endure in class. She wavered at the top of the stairs- should she head to class with her feminine stockings in a state of ruin or make herself even later by going back to her room to change? The dilemma was making her so nervous, she wet her panties right there […]
August 2, 2018
Teen Cute boy with pacifier crawling on the floor

Sissy Training Phone Sex Part 1

Well, since you couldn’t be a good  ABDL Stacey yesterday, maybe today you can be a good ABDL Stacey GIRL! After I unstrap you from your crib, the first order of the day will be a diaper change. But instead of your boring old daytime white diapers, look what your babysitter has for you!! That’s right – PINK PRINCESS diapers! And they are nice and THICK too, to produce that cute little waddle. Of course, if you don’t want to waddle when you walk …. you could always crawl! Then we will get you dressed in this cute little pink baby dress I bought just for you! See – it is short enough that it will show off your diapers whether you walk OR crawl. It also will make it easy for me to check […]
August 2, 2018
Hot girl kept on a cage and fucked by man

Inferior Little Cuck

I’ve had enough of your ridiculous behavior, trying to act macho when we go out, watching ABDL Stacey behind my back to the point where you can barely get it up, you’ve death gripped your cock into being barely able to stand up. Not like it was worth much when you could get hard, in any case. I can’t even begin to count the number of orgasms I’ve faked with your limp little dick inside me. I’ve decided enough is enough, I’m going to go out and get mine, finally. And just to make sure you don’t get yourself into more trouble while I’m out having fun, I’ve got a little bitty chastity cage for you! I’m locking your inferior cuckold cock up forever, sweetie, and going out to fuck a real stud. In fact, […]
May 23, 2018

Leggings and Sissy Boys – Part 2

I marched down stairs, where you will be the shot girl at my party. I take you in the back because you need a talking to, George my friend complained you keep forgetting to bring him a shot of Jack Daniels. I explain to you this cannot be tolerated, you will apologize to George. I place you on your knees and call George to the back. He towers over you as he is standing in front of you. Your face at his zipper, I say “Well ABDL Stacey, what do you have to say for yourself?” You say, “Sir, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” George laughs at you, “You are pathetic sissy.” I say, “Perhaps you should make it up to him sissy, he is way more of a man than you are. Sissy […]
May 13, 2018

Leggings and Sissy Boys – Part 1

I know most little phone sex sissies need to be pushed into wearing dresses and makeup. Some sissies have no desire to wear makeup or anything aside from clothes. Let’s say I invite you to my house. Once you arrive I have you take a shower and then have your entire body covered in hair removal. After all, a sissy should be clean and hairless. Next Comes a pink floral satin thong riding up into your silly sissy ass. The matching bra is put on next and it is filled with silicone falsies. I now place you in a chair where I have the girl from the nail shop give you a pedicure to match your pink panties. Oh look at you blush, stiff in your girl panties and embarrassed to have the pedicure girl […]