Phone A Mommy Blog

May 21, 2019
Hot Diaper Man Sleeping On the Cot with diaper

Encouragement For An Adult Baby!

I know adult babies that have been wearing diapers for years, some like to wet and mess in their diapers, some that just wet them, and others that don’t want to do either. But none of them knew for sure what they would like when they first started exploring all things abdl. More than a few new babies are nervous about using their abdl diapers for the first time or even for awhile once they start, even if they find out they like it. I’ve talked to more than a few that call for encouragement when it’s time to fill those diapers up. Gentle motivation is just what some need, while others want to be teased and mocked for wanting to use their diapers at all. If you don’t know want will help you the […]
March 8, 2009

My First Ring

I remember my first crush. It was on a boy that I played with at daycare. Daycare was a lot of fun where I went, we swam, we played, and I recall watching Gilligan’s Island. I had such a crush on the boy that I went to daycare with and he gave me my first ring I ever received from a boy! I still have it. It may be a little silly, but it meant so much when I got it! I remember how shy he was coming over to the play house where me and my girlfriends were, they all just giggled as he bashfully approached me. After he gave it to me I remember him making a mad dash across the playground to his friends as my girlfriends began singing “Sara and Steven […]