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Sweet or Harsh Spanking for the Abdl?
September 23, 2019
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September 28, 2019
abdl punishment, spanking discipline

Simon sat in the passenger seat, arms crossed over his chest and his lips stuck in a noticeable pout. He had to go the bathroom, right now! He thought about saying something for the dozenth time, but he was going to prove to his abdl mommy Brenda that he didn’t need to wear any silly baby diapers! He had insisted that he was a big boy and that big boys didn’t wear diapers; only silly babies did! Usually she told to him to stop being ridiculous, but she had been so busy packing for their trip that she just threw her arms up and told him fine. “You want to be a big boy; think you should act all adult now? You have this trip to prove that you are… but if you have one accident, I don’t care how small, you’re going back in diapers for as long as I say so. Any whining about that will be stopped with my spanking paddle!” He knew that she was serious, especially about the spanking bit, so he was determined to wait until the next stop. Do you think he’s going to make it? Click right here to find out and call me for your own incontinence phone sex.



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