Phone A Mommy Blog

July 17, 2021
Hottest sexy Men with hot Sexy Look

Aunt Brenda Makes Arnold Eat His Scat Pie For Dinner

      My ABDL Arnold went shopping earlier this afternoon with all intention of making himself a delicious and fragrant plain chocolate sponge cake.  He was very excited as it had been a while that he baked a delicious cake for himself.  He has his culinary degree and enjoyed baking when the time afforded him to.  So, as he had time today to bake he decided to give me a call at Phone A Mommy to let me know what his plans were for the day. So when he called me for his usual weekend abdl roleplay session and he told me what he was up to, I decided that I was going to add my own very special twist to it.  He was so pleased to fill me in on his cake that […]
July 12, 2021
Nude hot Men bathing in swimming pool

Antonio Gets Punished For Shitting In The Pool

Antonio my submissive called me for scat phone sex because this is what he wanted to talk about today.  He tried to beat around the bush about it and he was hesitant to talk about it initially because he was embarrassed.  He seemed to temporarily forget that I am his dommy mommy and I am the one that makes the rules and decides what he does with his body.  So, without hesitation we started to do our scat themed abdl roleplay and I had him get ready to take an enema. That was when things took a different direction in out scat roleplay phone sex and he admitted to me that he could go along and insert the enema that I insisted that he put in but he was not sure that something would come […]
July 12, 2021
A Nude Model Girl Give the sexy Nude Pose

Tawny’s Smelly Shitty Slut Sheena

My smelly shitty slut Sheena knows that all she is allowed to have is shit and piss to wash it down.  She gained weight a few months ago and it is because she decided that she was going to start emotionally eating a bunch of pies, cakes and brownies. She was going through an episode where she was down in the dumps because she lost a job in the pandemic.  She was a waitress and when her restaurant closed and terminated her, reality hit that she was unemployed.  She tried for weeks, which then turned into months to find something in her waitressing field but to no avail – she remained unemployed and miserable. She felt worthless, useless and pathetic – she really felt that since she was treated like shit and felt like shit […]
June 14, 2021
Very Hottest Nude Men self Masturbate By himself

Safe Scat Play With Sean

    Sean was scared – he was so afraid to engage in scat play because when he did it a few weeks ago, he suffered the ramifications from what happens when one does not engage in safe scat play. The last time that he played in person with a friend of his, he ended up having a painful case of diarrhea. When he went to the doctor to find out what happened he discovered that because he had a friend insert their own shit with a turkey baster into his ass while it was squeezed into him, caused him to catch the parasites that his friend had.  He was so embarrassed when the doctor explained it all to him and he was also devastated that he felt that he would no longer be able […]