Phone A Mommy Blog

July 18, 2019
abdl abdl diaper phoneamommy

Feeding And Playing With My Abdl

Is my wittle booboo baby hungry? Is your little tummy rumbling? Well, would you like some delicious baby food, some pureed string beans and carrots? They’re nutritious! No? Okay, how about a bottle, with baby formula? Apple juice? Milk? Oh, that perked you up, sweetie. Doesn’t seem like you want it in your bottle, though. I do believe that means you want milk, but not out of a bottle… I bet that means you would like to have some of your abdl Mommy’s milk. Then that’s exactly what you are going to get.  I’m going to unbutton my blouse, lower my bra cup, and cuddle you to me nice and close with my arms around you, cupping my breast to press my nipple against your lips.  Go ahead and open wide, pursing your lips around […]
July 18, 2019
diaper humiliation sex

Not A Man At All!

When you picked me up for this date I had high hopes, our text banter had been fun and flirty and there was even that tipsy night of ABDL Stacey. Dinner was lovely but when we were dancing and I wanted to get close you kept moving your hips away from me, not letting me near whatever you were hiding under your pants. When you asked me back to your place I made sure to grab the special ‘overnight’ bag I keep in my car, and wouldn’t you know it- my suspicions that you might need exactly what I have hidden in here were oh so right! I mean, look at you. We were making out on the couch, hot and heavy when I pinned you down and ripped your pants down, exposing your tiny […]
June 23, 2019
Adult teen Man Wearing the adult diaper

Mommy Jackie’s Favorite Diaper Patterns!

XOXO Mommy Jackie 888-430-2010 Click HERE to talk to a phone sex mommy #diaperdomina #adultbabydiaper #phonesex
May 21, 2019
Hot Diaper Man Sleeping On the Cot with diaper

Encouragement For An Adult Baby!

I know adult babies that have been wearing diapers for years, some like to wet and mess in their diapers, some that just wet them, and others that don’t want to do either. But none of them knew for sure what they would like when they first started exploring all things abdl. More than a few new babies are nervous about using their abdl diapers for the first time or even for awhile once they start, even if they find out they like it. I’ve talked to more than a few that call for encouragement when it’s time to fill those diapers up. Gentle motivation is just what some need, while others want to be teased and mocked for wanting to use their diapers at all. If you don’t know want will help you the […]