Phone A Mommy Blog

July 5, 2020
Adult Women Wearing the dirty poop diaper

Rewarding A Good Abdl

It’s getting hot outside and working out in the yard is a guaranteed to get you worn out and sweating.  Between weed eating and cutting grass all you want to do is head inside your home and relax! And there isn’t a better way to do that for an abdl than for your auntie to get you washed up and in a diaper as soon as possible. Once that door is shut behind you all those sweaty clothes are coming off and you are popping into the bath I’ve already got ready for you. I will scrub you clean and giving you little tickles and telling you what a good baby you are. Once you are all clean it’s time to dry you off and get you in a clean abdl diaper.  Then it would […]
June 14, 2020
Abdl Adult Boy Sucking his thumb finger while playing

Time For The Baby Shower!

Michael sat in his highchair where Aunt Brenda had moved it into the living room, his legs kicking back and forth while he watched her bustle around, getting everything ready for his adult baby shower.  Everything was almost done, there were streamer going from wall to wall, the little gift bags for everyone were already by the door, there were games to play with prizes to win, and there was a table all set up for everyone to put their gifts. He was all dressed and ready to go in his blue-striped Cookie Monster shirt and his shorties, a bib around his neck and an abdl pacifier dangling from a clip on his cute shirt. Everything was ready, including him, but he was so nervous! All of Aunt Brenda’s closest friends and some of his […]
May 26, 2020
Teenage Girl wearing The diaper and Shows Them

Dirty Husbands Forced To Wear Diapers

I’ve been talking with a few of my friends, and they all can’t stop complaining about their husband’s nasty habits. Seems like they find it too difficult or time-consuming to wipe themselves like grown adults should, leaving some dirty tracks in the undies for their wives to clean up. My friends half-heartedly joked about wiping their husband’s asses for them since they can’t do it themselves; I said that they might as well put them back in diapers, since they can’t behave like adults do. They laughed right up until they saw that I was one hundred percent serious! It sounds like they have a silly bunch of adult babies on their hands, and abdl’s need to be in abdl diapers, for sure. They were shocked at first, but the more we talked about the […]
May 17, 2020
abdl mommy abdl adult baby diaper

Diaper Changes Happen Wherever An Abdl Is!

Diaper changes for adult babies can be a wonderful thing, a special time with their Mommy that can be very sweet and loving.  It can also be very, VERY embarrassing, depending on who else might be around to watch, and where Mommy might be changing them. Getting changed in your abdl nursery on your changing table is different from on the living room floor with all of Mommy’s friends watching or at the park with complete strangers passing by to look over to see them with their legs up in the air.  But wherever the diaper change occurs, whomever it happens in front of, the baby doesn’t decide what’s going to happen! No, that is entirely in Mommy’s control, just the way it should be. Babies don’t have any control, didn’t you know that? And […]
April 30, 2020
Adult man sleeping on the bed with diaper

Abdl Embarrassed by Naughty Babysitter

Michael peeked around the hallway corner into the living room, watching with huge eyes while his cute babysitter Jenny made out with her boyfriend Greg on the couch.  He knew that he should tell Aunt Brenda about this, she would not be happy about it! Jenny must have known about his crush on her, though, because she gave him the sweetest hug, her arms were wrapped around him and she gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, and asked him if this could be there little secret when Greg first showed up. She had a twinkle in her eyes, like she knew that he would do whatever she wanted, just for that little bit of attention. Greg had laughed at him, lifting up his shirt enough to see the abdl diaper he had (with […]
February 23, 2020
Teen Boy Loves To wear the adult diaper

Kinky Diaper Masturbation

Brenda 1-888-430-2010 Click Here to chat with a phone sex mommy! #abdl #adultbaby #diaperkink #abdlmommy #ageplay
February 22, 2020
abdl abdl diaper phoneamommy

Sweet Diaper Change For A Baby

Terry squirmed on top of his changing table, the strap that Mommy Tawny had buckled around his waist keeping him from going to far on either side.  She gave him a playful swat across his bottom, making him giggle and babble more than he already was. He had his abdl binky in one hand and his fuzzy Teddy in the other, happy and content while Mommy changed his messy diaper.  She cleaned him up with cool baby wipes that felt wonderful on his warm skin, then rubbed diaper cream on him to keep away that icky diaper rash! An abdl diaper was slid underneath him, then the baby powder was shaken out to cover him and the diaper, making him laugh some more at the cloud of powder that fluffs up between his legs. She […]
January 25, 2020
Man Wearing adult Wet Dirty Diaper

Messy Diaper Humiliation

I had an go abdl to bed the other night, all nice and cozy in three comfy diapers, a fuzzy onesie, and several suppositories inside his bottom to make sure he is in an extremely messy diaper come morning. Mommy Tawny had given him very specific instructions regarding how many diapers, what time he was supposed to go to bed, what time he could get up, how much he had drink and eat before bedtime. Even his all his abdl diapers couldn’t hold all the mess he was going to make; he couldn’t get out of his bed! He didn’t know if this was a punishment, so he asked, and she said that he deserved a little humiliation. He had been a little naughty lately, but she knew how much he hated staying in a […]
December 8, 2019
messy diaper adult baby abdl diaper

It’s Time For A Diaper Change Whether You Like It Or Not!

What am I smelling? Smells like a stinky abdl to me! That means that there is a messy diaper for me to change, and don’t even try to tell me that it’s not. The last time I got busy and didn’t change your diaper that exact minute you had un-taped that nasty thing and was playing in the mess you made! Once I had you cleaned up I wore that bottom of yours out, but that’s been a while so you might have forgotten about how you couldn’t sit comfortably for a week after that bare bottom spanking. But I won’t be giving you the opportunity to earn another spanking today, I don’t want to have to clean up another filthy mess like last time! You can cry and fuss all you like, but you’re […]