Phone A Mommy Blog

July 1, 2019
Adult Man Wearing the baby diaper and lying on the bed

Abdl Humiliated By Being Back In Diapers

I talked to a silly abdl the other night that called to argue about whether or not his girlfriend was in right to put him in diapers. He circled around why she did that for as long as he could, but he finally told me that he might, might, have a tiny dick. I laughed and teased him about a man’s little dick being just a baby’s peepee once it’s tucked inside a diaper, but I could tell from his voice that there was something else he wasn’t telling me. Can you guess what it was? Seems like our little baby was wetting the bed at night. Tried to say it wasn’t that big of a deal, it was just once… or twice, maybe. Still not a big deal! He doesn’t understand why he has […]
April 11, 2019
670px Know if Youve Become Addicted to Wearing Diapers As an Adult Step 7 e1555040325240

Are you interested in the Diaper Fetish Lifestyle?

Have you ever been strolling the internet and came across the beautiful world of diapers and thought to yourself, ” hmmm those look interesting, I think I’m interested in the diaper lifestyle!” The only thing that might have been holding you back was the unknown! You had no clue that being a diaper lover could be so fulfilling and can make you feel whole again. So here you are reading about the wonderful world of Diaper Loving and the diaper fetish lifestyle. So here you are ready to learn about diapers. First you have to know that it’s completely normal to have these feelings and would be shocked at how many people have the same feelings you do! Its a completely normal and wonderful new lifestyle you are about to embark on and i want […]
April 11, 2019
Pretty Sexy Girl Sitting On the Shoba with Hot Pose

ABDL Mommy Changes Adult Baby Dirty Diaper

Adult Baby Dirty Diaper    I immediately saw that his diaper needed changing. “Come here my sweet abdl diaper baby,” I called to him. “Let Raine change you so you can be nice and clean.” “I made a big mess,” he said with the puppy dog eyes. But I told him it would be ok and laid him on his back, and again assured him everything would be fine and that I was going to clean him up with no problems. I took out my supplies: diaper, wipes, rash cream, and baby powder. I lifted his butt and put the new diaper underneath the old diaper. Then I unhooked the old diaper and saw that he pooped on himself. With the wipes, I wiped on the side of his cock, then I took the warm […]