Phone A Mommy Blog

June 1, 2019
Sexy Hot Man wearing The adult baby diaper

Bad Little Baby

  It was late last night and I needed to take a shower. I thought that I would be able to leave you alone for a few minutes while I went and got myself nice and clean, but it did not take me very long to realize what a big mistake that was… I was covered in soap and suds, washing my body in peace when I suddenly heard you whining from outside of the bathroom door. Of course, I went to go check on you, but you were nowhere to be found… I wrapped myself up in a towel to try and keep from dripping all over the place while I looked for you, and I had no choice but to follow the sounds of your whining. I was surprised to find myself standing […]
May 22, 2019

The Sound Of Mommy’s Voice

Few things sound sweeter to the ABDL Stacey that I get to take care of than the sound of my voice! When we are together and I catch a whiff of that stinky diaper bottom and I know that it is high time for a diaper change, I will scoop you up in my arms and whisk you off to the changing table. As I do so, I already become inspired by our precious time together, and I begin to hum. When I lay you down on the changing table, I see your little face light up and a smile breaks out behind your paci. It makes me smile just as wide, and I know that it is my humming that has made you so happy. You love to hear mommy humming and singing. It […]
May 6, 2019
Girl Giving The Hard Butt spanking Punishment

Sissy Boyfriend Pt 2

My dedicated sissy slut of a boyfriend has come so far as the object of my ABDL Stacey and degradation but today I caught him moaning and rubbing his caged clitty against my dirty panties! Dragging him by the ear to my bed I threw him over my knees for a punishment spanking he wouldn’t be able to sit down from for a week. While my helpless bitch of a boyfriend writhed and whimpered I told him there would be no phone sex for a month because of his naughty behavior! The little bitch began crying in earnest then, the threat of having his favorite thing taken away all too much for my pathetic sissy girl to handle. He pleaded with me, telling me how sorry he was for giving in to his weak nature […]
June 1, 2009

Mommy Always Wanted a Baby Girl!

Kevin, my 17 year old son knows how sad Mommy has been because I was never able to have a baby girl. So this particular day I had a plan for him and how he could make me feel better. I had went shopping all day, and it must have been meant to be because I was able to find everything I needed for my new little girl all in his size! I was so excited and could not wait till he got home from School. “Three o’clock he will be walking through the door any moment now,” I thought to myself.” Ah, there he is!” Walking into the house “HI MOM!” he shouted. “Hi sweetheart! How are you I am so glad you’re finally home!” I replied. “How was your day Mom?” He asked […]
March 15, 2009


Did you wet the bed again young man? You did! That’s it I have had it with you! Your going back in diapers you hear me! Now don’t you whine and cry like a little baby and stop squirming before I slap that bottom! Now sit still and do as mommy tells you! Your just gona have to be regressed back into Mommies little baby boy! Will put some plastic panties on you, now here is a baba and I will place you in that play pen till Mommy is done with the house work. *Knock on the door* Oh my, who might that be, why it’s Sharon and her daughters Cindy and Brianna. “Come on in, Come in. See my little boy, isn’t he just darling? Now you girls be nice to the baby […]
March 1, 2009


Now I will make the popcorn and let’s cuddle up! It’s movie night. Let’s put our diapeys on each other so we will be nice an cozy! All our favorites we will watch Lion King, Toy Story, Monsters Inc. Oh how I love to snuggle under a big comfy blanket and snuggle with my baby! Cum and snuggle with Mommy Sara! 1-888-430-2010