Phone A Mommy Blog

September 25, 2008

Milk Milk Milk

As it gets colder and I start to pull out my sweatshirts and warm jammies I am noticing that all of my babies want to feed more!! My TITS are so FULL of WARM SWEET MILK that I sometimes leak everywhere!! I have to pump a lot…Maybe there is a baby who needs some of my wonderful Mommy’s Milk…these feeders are ready to go!
September 25, 2008

Big sister

I am a good big sister to little ABies. I love to read stories, sing songs and play games.*big smiles* Mommy taught me how to change diapers and feed the ABies. I love to AB sit when mommy goes out. Maybe we can even play some special games if you promise not to tell mommy. *giggles* I will be the best big sister ever!! ~Little Janey~
August 26, 2008

Nurse Betty update

I love working here – the Mommies (and Daddy) in all their variations have so much fun in the Nursery. Especially fun are the slumber parties. I hope you will make a point to stop on by – they are always held the first and the fifteenth of the month. No, I’m not posting the times here – too many time zones. The information is on the site, I’m sure you clever ones can find it faster than your Nurse Betty – grin. The clinic is open and I’ve been receiving patients. I want to say thank you (and offer a “well done”) to all you good girls and boys who’ve braved the lion’s den and survived to tell the tale. No one has died yet – either from embarrassment or physical causes – as […]
July 3, 2008

Missing You All

I miss you all.  Where are you my little ones? Have you forgotten about me? I certainly hope not.  I know it’s summer time and you have vacations and want to get outside and do things, but Mommy misses you all so.  Give me a call soon so I can hear your wonderful voice and give you some hugs and kisses. Mommy Lauren 1-888-430-2010
June 29, 2008

This Just In….

We here at KPAM are deeply saddened and sorry to report that one of America’s favorite Iconic figures died today.  Witness say the victim was taken by surprise as he stepped into the grocery store to purchase some Dixie Cups.  One Witness stated ..”You know, he had it coming, crashing though walls like he did, making stains on rugs and clothes wily nilly, but it’s still sad to see him, sprawled out like that, leaking ice cubes.” If you are squimish or are easily upset we ask that you advert your eyes, the following image is disturbing. It is true, he was very bosterous and loud with his signature phrase, “OH, YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” Still, he did not deserve this.  One perp has been taken into custody, they were found running down a side street with the […]
May 22, 2008


I am a Real full time ABDL phone mommy-don’t be fooled by ladies claiming to be familiar with your very unique world – don’t waste your time trying to explain yourself and not getting the call you Need as a tender AB/DL that you are. Infantilism is a specialized fetish and no ordinary phone sex service/operator will satisfy. You need a special mommy that understands you as the unique adult baby that you are! There are a variety of ways that each adult baby or diaper lover may want to live out their fantasy and Mommy recognizes that with tender loving care. Experience the freedom to let go of the boring real adult world and come into mine where you’ll experience trust, love, and warmth because a good mommy makes you feel secure, safe, and […]
April 27, 2008

Bath Time

  Why are you half way naked Mommy Sara? Because it’s bath time, and what’s the best way to make sure your little one is clean? Get in the bath tub with them.  At least that is what I like to do 🙂 .  Feeling a little dirty? I would be happy to scrub all those delicate areas for you, and in turn you can wash mine *wink* Mommy Sara
April 13, 2008

a day with Mommy

Hi there precious ones! Did you miss mommy this week? I missed you too. You would have really enjoyed yourself this week.  I had a most special bonding time with one of my real life adult babies. We arranged to meet at my place after he got out of work, because I have a very nice nursery to use with my babies. As soon as he got here I pulled down his pants to see if his diapers needed changing. He wears his diapers all the time under his clothes, it gives him a feeling of security. Sure enough, they were swollen and yellow. “Oh my! Looks like baby made a tinkle. Come over to the changing room honey and mommy will get you nice and clean.” I took his eager hand and led him […]
April 10, 2008

My Advice….

…to you Dear ones.  I have had a few calls over the past few weeks where the main theme seemed to be, “What is wrong with me? Why do I do this? Am I bad for doing this?” To all those questions I answered no.  This fetish that we have, this need to do what we do, it is not bad, it does no harm to anyone.  It is however, hard to explain to people.  Because it is what it is, sometimes, we get depressed, or have these awful thoughts run through our heads that there must be something wrong in the way we think or that we are mentally sick.  Sweeties, there is nothing wrong with you, nothing in the least.  Do not be ashamed of what you like, be proud, know that there […]