Phone A Mommy Blog

June 2, 2008

It’s All In The Cards

Playing cards is one of My favorite past times. I had a thought cross My mind the other day while I was with some friends playing a hand. I imagined playing a game of strip poker with a sissy, but instead of them getting naked they would have to put on one article of sissy clothing at a time if they lost. Sounds like fun to Me. Stella 1 888 430 2010
April 27, 2008

Bath Time

  Why are you half way naked Mommy Sara? Because it’s bath time, and what’s the best way to make sure your little one is clean? Get in the bath tub with them.  At least that is what I like to do 🙂 .  Feeling a little dirty? I would be happy to scrub all those delicate areas for you, and in turn you can wash mine *wink* Mommy Sara
April 13, 2008

a day with Mommy

Hi there precious ones! Did you miss mommy this week? I missed you too. You would have really enjoyed yourself this week.  I had a most special bonding time with one of my real life adult babies. We arranged to meet at my place after he got out of work, because I have a very nice nursery to use with my babies. As soon as he got here I pulled down his pants to see if his diapers needed changing. He wears his diapers all the time under his clothes, it gives him a feeling of security. Sure enough, they were swollen and yellow. “Oh my! Looks like baby made a tinkle. Come over to the changing room honey and mommy will get you nice and clean.” I took his eager hand and led him […]
April 10, 2008

My Advice….

…to you Dear ones.  I have had a few calls over the past few weeks where the main theme seemed to be, “What is wrong with me? Why do I do this? Am I bad for doing this?” To all those questions I answered no.  This fetish that we have, this need to do what we do, it is not bad, it does no harm to anyone.  It is however, hard to explain to people.  Because it is what it is, sometimes, we get depressed, or have these awful thoughts run through our heads that there must be something wrong in the way we think or that we are mentally sick.  Sweeties, there is nothing wrong with you, nothing in the least.  Do not be ashamed of what you like, be proud, know that there […]
April 5, 2008

shopping with baby

This week I’ve had the enjoyment of doing some on line shopping with a couple of Mommy’s special little ones during our calls. It’s such a wonderful feeling to pick out special toys and outfits, and know that you’ll be thinking of Mommy even more than ever. I can’t wait until we’re able to enjoy these fun things during our upcoming phone time.
April 2, 2008

Sissies and Mistresses

I wanted to blog about someone that has been calling me for awhile now 🙂 .  I will not tell you his first name of course, because I didn’t ask permission to use it.  But, Sissy E is fun to play with.  He goes and sees a professional Mistress now and then and tells me all of the stuff he does, and I must say he is one lucky sissy boy!  Last time he went he was blindfolded and left alone tied to a chair, then he heard the door open up, and the next thing you know, he’s sucking on a strap on.  After a little while, the Mistress asked him if he knew how many people were in the room, turns out besides her, there were 3 others! lol.  How much fun would […]
March 17, 2008

Coming Out in This Fetish

  We all come across this type of thing in this fetish.  There comes a time when we decide to tell someone, whether it be a gf/bf wife/husband, family or a friend that we enjoy either being a sissy, or enjoy wearing a diaper.  This is hard to do.  Those who are into this fetish are not looked upon kindly for the most part.  Which is a shame.  I received a call last week from a very dear and sweet little abie.  They had decided to tell their gf about their inner need to be an abie sometimes.  The news was not taken well.  This breaks my heart when I hear such stories.  I wish I could put bill boards up, flyers, pamphlets, or other means of mass communication to let the world know that […]
March 17, 2008

Dedicated to Larbear :)

What a wonderful week I had speaking to Larbear. He is so good at coming up with story lines for calls. Now I know that he calls a lot of us here at phone a mommy, and with good reason. He has a great creative mind and likes for us to play along to see where his scenarios lead us. His story line, in general, goes something like this. He is a grown man, and through some sort of odd occurrence, he is transformed into a baby. Now this leaves a lot of problems to deal with. How do we explain my husband turning into a 6 month old to family and friends? How do I take him to a baby sitter so I can work when he doesn’t age at all? What do we […]
March 3, 2008

dirty mommy

     This weekend was wonderful. Got to play with abies and ladies in chat. Met some new diaper lovers there and on the phone. We have started a new month also. I will have to wait until March passes to see if it was in like a lion or a lamb and which way it went out. Do you all know that saying? I remember in school we made animal heads with paper plates to describe it. We were supposed to make one lamb and one lion and one for the start of March and the other for the end. I made two lambs. My teacher asked why. I said well I like lambs more today. It made perfect sense to me.      Do you all like doing dirty diaper calls? I don’t mean poopy, […]