Phone A Mommy Blog

November 22, 2020
diaper boy abdl adult diaper

Babies Aren’t As Sneaky As They Think!

 I don’t know why babies have this universal notion that they can hide when they’ve gone poopoo in their abdl diapers. It seems to be imprinted on our DNA, that a baby will, at the very least once, try to hide themselves away to keep from getting a diaper change. It’s always fairly obvious what’s happening, but I suppose that babies don’t have a whole lot of external awareness yet. If they can smell that poopy diaper, chances are that I can too! If a look downward can show them that their diaper changing colors, getting soaked and lumpy… well, you get the idea. I suppose that they think they might have a chance with only one aunt or mommy to watch them, hope does spring eternal after all. But when there is an entire […]
October 25, 2020
forced into diapers adult baby diaper lover abdl stepmommy phone sex taboo fetish

Forced Into Diapers by Stepmommy Tawny

Fair warning to all of the naughty little diaper sissies who find themselves crossing my path: if I see that you are sneaking out of those thick disposable adult baby diapers when me or any other mommy who takes care of you is not looking, those bare little cheeks of yours are going to be so very red and hot from spankings by the end of the day. Now that that is out of the way, I thought that I might take the time to share with you my most recent adventures with one extra naughty little one who ended up in my clutches… This bad little baby came to me with no diaper on and a pair of totally messed pants. Turns out that he was in the neighborhood visiting some of his buddies […]
October 13, 2020
adult baby ageplay incontinence

A Little Encouragement To Have Some Accidents

I’ve been rather mean to one of my nephews lately. He’s twenty-two, attractive, and he knows it. Cocky, arrogant, pick any synonym… He’s a bit of an asshole, to be honest, and could certainly be taken down a peg or two. That’s why I offered for him to come to my house after he’d had a night out, my house is levels better than the dorms and gave him a one last drink for the night. One last drink that had a crushed water pill mixed in it. If he’s been a bit more sober what happened once the pill kicked in would have been more than a bit odd, but he was more than three sheets to the wind, so pissing on himself in a drunken stupor wasn’t that surprising. I let him know […]
September 28, 2020
abdl humiliation adult baby

Diaper Change In Front Of Everyone!

Craig frantically rummaged through his backpack, horrified to realize that he had forgotten to pack his extra diapers this morning! His wet diaper was close to sagging and it felt like if he pressed his thighs too close together that it would start to leak. He scurried out of the grocery store bathroom and made a straight line for the diaper aisle, hoping that he could find some  that would fit him, at least well enough for him to get home before anything bad happened. He nearly had a brand picked out when he heard some giggling close by and looked out the corner of his eye to see two pretty young ladies whispering to each other while they looked at him. Were they staring at his pants? Was his diaper bulging out that much? […]
September 20, 2020
Mommy's Lil Princes Giving The Funniest Pic

Lazy Day For A Baby

Tim sat cross-legged in his playpen, stacking his wooden blocks into towers and blocks to get ready for his cuddly teddy bear to come rampaging through and knocking them all down. Once he was bored with that, he laid down on his back and kicked his feet up, still playing with his teddy bear and playing with his toesy-woesy’s as he listened to his Aunt Brenda fussing about in the kitchen getting lunch ready. Her soft humming relaxed him so much that he started nodding off, rolling over onto his side to curl up and suck on his thumb. Tim drifted into that comfy half dosing state, lovely dreams of playing with his toys with Aunt Brenda dancing through his head. He was startled awake for a few seconds when he could feel the back […]
August 30, 2020
A boy wearing the dirty wet diaper with standing

Smelly, Saggy ABDL Diapers

Listen up you naughty ABDLs! I am a loving a typically patient mommy, but you all are getting so bad about not letting mommy know when you need a diaper change, if I am running around taking care of things around the house. Now, I pride myself on how much attention that I pay to my little ones, and I have a pretty good sense for smelling those full diapers, but sometimes when I am doing laundry while my adult baby is playing in the nursery and they make a big poopy mess, it may be a few minutes before mommy comes by again. When I see my little ones waddling around the nursery like nothing is the matter, and I catch sight of how full that adult baby diaper is swinging between their legs, […]
August 9, 2020
Spreader Pants Tumblr High glossy Outfit and Pant

Spreader Pants For Naughty Abdl’s!

Brandon rocked towards his left, hands reaching out to grab at one of the chair legs, hoping it helps him roll over onto his stomach. Aunt Brenda just laughed at him, saying that he looked like a turtle flipped over on its shell with the way he was rocking back and forth. He wanted to sass her back so bad, but his mouth is partly why he was in trouble now, so he kept it shut. His inability to listen also got him in hot water, and now here he was in a pair of spreader pants that kept him from moving too much, let alone get in any trouble.  If he wanted to be a really difficult adult baby he was sure he could still find a way to be naughty, but she already […]
August 1, 2020
Young Man Taking diaper Selfie In Front Of Mirror At Home

Public Humiliation for My ABDL Baby Boy In The Gym

My little ABDL Stacey and I finally returned to the gym for the first time, ever since being quarantined for the past three months. I dressed him in his pamper before we left the house. He had no idea what I had in store for him as he worked out on the exercise machines.  I walked over to him while he finished up his last set of reps with his biceps and I told him to accompany me to the water fountain.  As my little submissive, he is obedient and he listens.  I told him that because the gym is packed with so many people today he is going to enjoy some well needed humiliation. His face turned red in embarrassment and fear as he had no idea what Dommy Mommy Scarlet had up her […]
July 27, 2020
Adult Boy Wearing the messy wet dirty Diaper

You’re A Baby, Silly!

What on earth is it with all the babies that keep having accidents in their undies because they always have this silly idea about them being grown men? Is there something in the water? Every time I have this conversation, when I have to firmly tell someone that if they need to be put back in diapers that they are not grown, they act so surprised! If you can’t even wipe yourself properly, why should I let you keep clinging to that silly little fantasy? If you’re messy like a baby, then that is just what you are. A silly adult baby that needs to be kept in adult baby diapers and there’s no arguing about that! Maybe later if you are very, very good I might start your potty training, though I doubt it’s […]